Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

old Art or Painting restoration Techniques

old Art or Painting restoration Techniques

Antique Art and Painting Restoration:

Many times, restoring antique art or painting is as uncomplicated as cleaning it and giving it a new coat of varnish. Other times more broad work is needed, such as repAiring tears in canvas, or filling areas where paint has fallen off. Oil paintings and acrylics can both be restored, as can paintings on canvas or canvas board or wood.

Cleaning and re-varnishing: This is the most tasteless need for antique art. Dirt and other residue are removed layer by layer, restoring color to its customary brilliance. Re-varnishing protects the painting from fading and restores the sheen.

Occasionally, broad cleaning is required. This is needed if the antique art or painting has a deep yellow cast to it, which is caused by old varnish or nicotine tar.

Tightening or re-stretching: Many paintings are stretched on wooden bars; these bars tend to move when exposed to humidity, causing the canvas to wrinkle. If a canvas is slightly wrinkled, it can be tightened on the stretcher bar to plane the wrinkles. If it is very wrinkled, it may need to be re-stretched.

Restoring paint loss: In these areas, canvas is intact, but the painted surface has fallen off thoroughly or been otherwise damaged (scratching, etc). These areas can be filled and repainted to recreate the missing part of the image.

Restoring Tears and punctures: These areas require major restoration. The canvas must be patched, filled, sanded, and repainted to recreate the customary image.

Your antique art or painting may need a compound of these treatMents to be restored.

If you are having a professional recovery firm restore your paintings they will commonly be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to see what is needed.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mars Transits: Expressing separate Qualities of Will

Mars Transits: Expressing separate Qualities of Will

Astrologically, Mars represents how we maintain our will and power. As Mars straight through each of the signs of the zodiac over a two-year period, we have an opening to palpate and express dissimilar aspects or qualities of will. During Mars' transit straight through the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius we palpate strong will, which is energetic, dynamic and expansive.

As Mars moves straight through the earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn we palpate skillful will, which is productive, disciplined and masterful. In the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, we have an opening to palpate "good will" which is relational, public and humanitarian.

Finally, when Mars is in the water signs: cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, we can palpate transpersonal will, which is empathic, transformational and transcendent. When Mars journeys straight through each of the signs of the zodiac, then, we have an opening to build and practice a deeper sense of will that transcends the personal.

Mars in Aries. If you have wanted to make changes in your life use Mars in Aries to start production things happen! In other words, straight through the power of your will, affirm to others that you are committing to a policy of action! Take a stand about what you intend to generate in your life and find others that will withhold and empower you in following through. Now is the time to deepen your level of commitMent to impleMenting your goals. Let Mars in Aries be your ally, your many supporter and coach!

Mars in Taurus. With Mars in an earth sign it is a great time to formulate and impleMent your plans. With Mars in Taurus it's time to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Taurus represents the process of formulating or codifying what we value so that we can share it with others in a very practical and down-to-earth way. Use Mars in Taurus to help you handle all the "grunt" work that needs to be done so that you can clear a path for sharing your ideas or values with others. Use Mars in Taurus to catch up with all the bodily things (remodeling, repAiring, beautifying, tonifying) that you need to get done. Your energy will be stronger at this time so just be faithful not to be too "bullish."

Mars in Gemini. Mars, the planet representing personal will, is a tiny diffused in the sign of Gemini. Since Gemini is the sign that represents perception straight through the five senses, when Mars is in Gemini the challenge is to stay focused and in the gift moment. Try production lists of what you have to do so that you can focus on your immediate priorities. This is a great period for networking with others and getting a lot of "busywork" done. Focusing on cleaning up mis-communications or getting back correspondence or writing done is a perfect use of this transit.

Mars in Cancer. With Mars in Cancer we can expect to feel a strong urge to get things done, albeit in an altogether dissimilar way. The theorize this is so is that Mars in Cancer wants to go with the flow, so to speak. There is an opening here to be free flowing and spontaneous (Mars in a water sign) and to get a tremendous whole done on the bodily plane. One way to deal with these somewhat dissimilar energies is to find ways of getting into your body straight through bodily expression; dance, yoga, martial arts, or bodily exercise. This will help you to balance the emotional body and get a lot done at the same time.

Mars in Leo. With Mars in Leo this as a matter of fact brings up the heat in the passion department. The sure pole or higher meaning of passion is self-actualization so I'm not just speaking about sexuality here. Since Mars rules the power chakra (how you maintain your will) and Leo the heart chakra this duo naturally creates a strong desire within us to express what we are passionate about. When I work with clients one of the things I look and listen for is clues to what they are passionate about. A seemingly depressed man will light up instantaneously when they begin to talk about their passion; what makes them feel alive. Use these transits to discover what you are passionate about and begin to merge it into your life more and more.

Mars in Virgo. With Mars in Virgo we have an opening to take care of the details of our lives. Since Mars represents where we maintain our will, in Virgo we focus our will on taking care of our daily routines. Where can we be more sufficient in our lives? How can we be more organized and attend to the life's details? By production our lives more sufficient at this time, we can free up more energy to be of service to others. For many of us the daily routines of our lives come to be so bogged down we find that we never have time to do the things that as a matter of fact make a difference. With Mars in Virgo we can streamline, prioritize and build our lives so that we can have the time to dedicate our energies to what's as a matter of fact important.

Mars in Libra. With Mars in Libra our energy and will is focused on creating greater balance in our lives. Although the sign of Libra is often depicted as somewhat "wishy-washy", the truth is that Libran energy can be quite strong. Mars in Libra, in particular, is the champion and defender of justice and can be quite bold and outspoken when things come to be unjust. While Mars is in Libra we come to be the adjudicators or arbitrators of justice in our lives; speaking out against any injustice that is pulling us out of balance.

Mars in Scorpio. With Mars in Scorpio we have the opening to discover our own intensity , passion and power. Tap into your primal life force energy this month straight through experiencing African dance or ecstatic movement, drumming, deeply piquant music or some form of emotional publish or expression that feels safe to you. As you tap into your primal life force you can as a matter of fact animate your body and your life with renewed energy and vitality. Let Mars in Scorpio withhold you in accessing the depths as well as the heights possible in the term embodied spirituality.

Mars in Sagittarius. With Mars in Sagittarius the focus is on dedicating our energy and passion to our spiritual quest or "crusade". Mars in Sagittarius represents the spiritual warrior who combines the valor and courage of the warrior with the wisdom, inspiration and dedication to a cause of the sage. This is a time to re-discover what cause, ideal, or "crusade" you want to put your Mars energy behind. It's also a time of re-newed interest in your own spiritual quest. If you have been feeling sTAGnant, resigned or apathetic, Mars in Sagittarius can help you get inspired and can help you re-kindle the fire of idealism in your life. Going on a pilgrimage to exotic, sacred or foreign locations is also a way of expressing this piquant transit.

Mars in Capricorn. This is an perfect time for concentrating and focusing your will power on anything it is that you want to bring into manifestation. Mars in Capricorn is like the general who creates the wide battle plan and then uses strategy, tactics, and the skillful use of resources to put that plan into action. With Mars in Capricorn we have the potential to merge our will so that we can bring our goals into manifestation. In order to manifest we must be willing to cause action to occur; to set up such a strong intention that the universe knows we are serious! Use Mars in Capricorn this month to generate a strong plan for the manifestation of your worthwhile goals.

Mars in Aquarius. With Mars in Aquarius the challenge is to focus our will towards greater self- actualization. This may mean finding at any ways that we have been stuck in expressing our will power or asserting ourselves with others. Mars in Aquarius calls us to break free of any restrictions that keep us from manifesting greater authenticity in our lives. Use the time that Mars is in Aquarius to break straight through old patterns of production yourself small so that no one will notice.

Mars in Pisces. With Mars in Pisces there is a focus on surrendering our personal will and with it the illusion of being in control. Mars in Pisces asks us to open ourselves up to be guided by spirit. man gave me a pad of Post-Its recently that sums this theme up perfectly: "If you want to make God laugh.....make plans." With Mars in Pisces the challenge is to "let go and let God." In other words, by surrendering our need to be in control of the outcome of our efforts we open the possibility of spirit co-creating with us. By doing so we are acknowledging that we are not alone or cut off from divine will.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Butcher Block Countertops

Butcher Block Countertops

There are two alternative finishes which can be applied to butcher block countertops. The mineral oil quit is the one used for cutting surfaces. The oil conditions the wood so that it won't dry out, warp, or crack. Every time you wash the countertop you will remove some of the oil. Therefore, you should re-apply this non-toxic material every 6 weeks or so.

Mineral oil is not waterproof, so if the top gets wet, the grain could raise, making the wood feel rough. So having sinks in butcher block countertops is not a good idea. The area around the sink will at last discolor, turning dark. Cut marks from knives are unmistakably sanded out, but then you should re-oil.

Another quit used on wood countertops is the "varnique" finish. This is a baked on satin polyurethane finish. It is safe for palpate with Food, and it has a low sheen, which most folks are happy with.

You shouldn't cut on butcher block countertops with this quit because cutting will remove the protection, leaving the wood exposed to water and other household liquids. It is extremely difficult to fix cuts in this quit so that you won't notice them.

However, if you're not cutting on this finish, the benefit is that it is virtually carefree. It's waterproof, so you can have a sink cut out in it. And you can spill grape juice of red wine on it, wipe it away, and not have a stain.

In kitchens that consolidate stone and butcher block countertops, homeowners usually want to do some cutting on the wood surface, so they want the oil finish. If you only want it for looks, then go with the varnique.

Several clubs offer butcher block countertops in many wood species, at distinct price points. Hard maple (also known as sugar maple) is the best option for cutting because it has the tightest grain and is the hardest of the acceptable woods. Lower grades of maple include: western maple, soft maple, and Chinese maple. These are all soft woods and they're not good surfaces that will take a lot of abuse.

Cherry and walnut are softer than hard maple, but very pretty and more expensive. Red oak is a very rough and grainy option, but is one of the least high-priced choices for wood countertops.

It might appear that some clubs are practically giving away their butcher block countertops. This is because they finger joint random scraps of anyone wood they have and call it a butcher block.

Mixed finger-jointed woods can have serious issues in time and you should stay away from them. So don't be like most habitancy who just look at the price.

Thickness is someone else notice when buying butcher block. The acceptable is 1 1/2" - any thinner than that is not a good idea. This thickness if fine up to 42" in length. Once you get longer, you should go to 1 3/4" to forestall warping in the future.

Any thicker is not significant under any circumstances, but some habitancy just like the look of thicker tops. If this is you, think about getting a 1 3/4" top and building up the edge. This will probably save you a lot of money.

At 2 1/4" thick (which is the next acceptable after 1 3/4") the price doubles, and can nearly triple at 3" thick. There is no price per quadrate foot for butcher block countertops, so don't even ask. Have your size, shape, wood species, thickness, quit and cutouts ready for a quote. You have to price each piece because all those eleMents influence the price.

Good luck.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

For a Weight Loss secret Look No supplementary Than Mr Habanero and His tiny Friends

For a Weight Loss secret Look No supplementary Than Mr Habanero and His tiny Friends

I've always loved hot peppers on just about anything, but just recently discovered the underground calculate so many habitancy eat them daily. These hot small fellows pack a punch of heat and also work hard to help you shed a few pounds over time. I remember the first time I tried a hot sauce. It was a habanero, and I sweat and cried for about 10 minutes (no one told me to try a small at first). Despite the pain, I was hooked. Chili peppers turned the plain and boring into an enthralling dish every time. I would go to the grocery store and fill the cart with new exotic sauces I had never tried before, head home and drench all things from spaghetti and salads to crab and chicken Kiev.

Nowadays I keep a nice arsenal of hot sauce on hand together with every chili pepper range I can find, together with jalapeno, chipotle, Birds eye, Jamaican hot pepper, cayenne, Tabiche and habanero (my favorite). Some of these names alone explain the purchase: "Colon Cleaner ", "Possible Side Effects Hot Sauce", "Charlie Sheen's Tiger Blood Winning Hot Sauce" and the most humorous, "Rectal Rocket Fuel Island Jerk Hot Sauce". How long do these habitancy sit around to dream up these names? It wasn't until recently that I was googling hot sauces to plan my next online purchase when I came over a website that posed the inquire "Do Habanero and Other Chile Peppers Boost Metabolism?" I had to know!

Could it be that my beloved hot peppers were also privately working behind the scenes in my body to convert me into a sculptured Adonis? Lovely thought, and though there is no pepper capable of that, there is enthralling news about hot peppers and weight loss. The science goes like this, when you ingest chile peppers, Capsaicin, the natural chemical that gives the pepper its heat and vitamin C, sends your metabolism into overdrive.

The hotter the pepper, the higher your core body temperature rises and the more power your stomach uses to suck in it. Now, you're not going to lose 5 pounds a week by doing this, but with the current midpoint weight gain of 30 pounds over 10 years, every small bit helps! In addition, there are studies that point to Capsaicin in effect preventing cancer cells from growing. There I was dousing my red beans and rice with "Henry's HAiry Hands Habanero Hot Sauce", never realizing all the good things those small guys were doing for my health! So today, when you skip the burger and eat that salad with avocados, tomatoes and carrots in an attempt to drop a merge of pounds, remember my friend the pepper, he can get you to your goal just a hAir Faster!

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