Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

old Art or Painting restoration Techniques

old Art or Painting restoration Techniques

Antique Art and Painting Restoration:

Many times, restoring antique art or painting is as uncomplicated as cleaning it and giving it a new coat of varnish. Other times more broad work is needed, such as repAiring tears in canvas, or filling areas where paint has fallen off. Oil paintings and acrylics can both be restored, as can paintings on canvas or canvas board or wood.

Cleaning and re-varnishing: This is the most tasteless need for antique art. Dirt and other residue are removed layer by layer, restoring color to its customary brilliance. Re-varnishing protects the painting from fading and restores the sheen.

Occasionally, broad cleaning is required. This is needed if the antique art or painting has a deep yellow cast to it, which is caused by old varnish or nicotine tar.

Tightening or re-stretching: Many paintings are stretched on wooden bars; these bars tend to move when exposed to humidity, causing the canvas to wrinkle. If a canvas is slightly wrinkled, it can be tightened on the stretcher bar to plane the wrinkles. If it is very wrinkled, it may need to be re-stretched.

Restoring paint loss: In these areas, canvas is intact, but the painted surface has fallen off thoroughly or been otherwise damaged (scratching, etc). These areas can be filled and repainted to recreate the missing part of the image.

Restoring Tears and punctures: These areas require major restoration. The canvas must be patched, filled, sanded, and repainted to recreate the customary image.

Your antique art or painting may need a compound of these treatMents to be restored.

If you are having a professional recovery firm restore your paintings they will commonly be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to see what is needed.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mars Transits: Expressing separate Qualities of Will

Mars Transits: Expressing separate Qualities of Will

Astrologically, Mars represents how we maintain our will and power. As Mars straight through each of the signs of the zodiac over a two-year period, we have an opening to palpate and express dissimilar aspects or qualities of will. During Mars' transit straight through the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius we palpate strong will, which is energetic, dynamic and expansive.

As Mars moves straight through the earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn we palpate skillful will, which is productive, disciplined and masterful. In the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, we have an opening to palpate "good will" which is relational, public and humanitarian.

Finally, when Mars is in the water signs: cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, we can palpate transpersonal will, which is empathic, transformational and transcendent. When Mars journeys straight through each of the signs of the zodiac, then, we have an opening to build and practice a deeper sense of will that transcends the personal.

Mars in Aries. If you have wanted to make changes in your life use Mars in Aries to start production things happen! In other words, straight through the power of your will, affirm to others that you are committing to a policy of action! Take a stand about what you intend to generate in your life and find others that will withhold and empower you in following through. Now is the time to deepen your level of commitMent to impleMenting your goals. Let Mars in Aries be your ally, your many supporter and coach!

Mars in Taurus. With Mars in an earth sign it is a great time to formulate and impleMent your plans. With Mars in Taurus it's time to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Taurus represents the process of formulating or codifying what we value so that we can share it with others in a very practical and down-to-earth way. Use Mars in Taurus to help you handle all the "grunt" work that needs to be done so that you can clear a path for sharing your ideas or values with others. Use Mars in Taurus to catch up with all the bodily things (remodeling, repAiring, beautifying, tonifying) that you need to get done. Your energy will be stronger at this time so just be faithful not to be too "bullish."

Mars in Gemini. Mars, the planet representing personal will, is a tiny diffused in the sign of Gemini. Since Gemini is the sign that represents perception straight through the five senses, when Mars is in Gemini the challenge is to stay focused and in the gift moment. Try production lists of what you have to do so that you can focus on your immediate priorities. This is a great period for networking with others and getting a lot of "busywork" done. Focusing on cleaning up mis-communications or getting back correspondence or writing done is a perfect use of this transit.

Mars in Cancer. With Mars in Cancer we can expect to feel a strong urge to get things done, albeit in an altogether dissimilar way. The theorize this is so is that Mars in Cancer wants to go with the flow, so to speak. There is an opening here to be free flowing and spontaneous (Mars in a water sign) and to get a tremendous whole done on the bodily plane. One way to deal with these somewhat dissimilar energies is to find ways of getting into your body straight through bodily expression; dance, yoga, martial arts, or bodily exercise. This will help you to balance the emotional body and get a lot done at the same time.

Mars in Leo. With Mars in Leo this as a matter of fact brings up the heat in the passion department. The sure pole or higher meaning of passion is self-actualization so I'm not just speaking about sexuality here. Since Mars rules the power chakra (how you maintain your will) and Leo the heart chakra this duo naturally creates a strong desire within us to express what we are passionate about. When I work with clients one of the things I look and listen for is clues to what they are passionate about. A seemingly depressed man will light up instantaneously when they begin to talk about their passion; what makes them feel alive. Use these transits to discover what you are passionate about and begin to merge it into your life more and more.

Mars in Virgo. With Mars in Virgo we have an opening to take care of the details of our lives. Since Mars represents where we maintain our will, in Virgo we focus our will on taking care of our daily routines. Where can we be more sufficient in our lives? How can we be more organized and attend to the life's details? By production our lives more sufficient at this time, we can free up more energy to be of service to others. For many of us the daily routines of our lives come to be so bogged down we find that we never have time to do the things that as a matter of fact make a difference. With Mars in Virgo we can streamline, prioritize and build our lives so that we can have the time to dedicate our energies to what's as a matter of fact important.

Mars in Libra. With Mars in Libra our energy and will is focused on creating greater balance in our lives. Although the sign of Libra is often depicted as somewhat "wishy-washy", the truth is that Libran energy can be quite strong. Mars in Libra, in particular, is the champion and defender of justice and can be quite bold and outspoken when things come to be unjust. While Mars is in Libra we come to be the adjudicators or arbitrators of justice in our lives; speaking out against any injustice that is pulling us out of balance.

Mars in Scorpio. With Mars in Scorpio we have the opening to discover our own intensity , passion and power. Tap into your primal life force energy this month straight through experiencing African dance or ecstatic movement, drumming, deeply piquant music or some form of emotional publish or expression that feels safe to you. As you tap into your primal life force you can as a matter of fact animate your body and your life with renewed energy and vitality. Let Mars in Scorpio withhold you in accessing the depths as well as the heights possible in the term embodied spirituality.

Mars in Sagittarius. With Mars in Sagittarius the focus is on dedicating our energy and passion to our spiritual quest or "crusade". Mars in Sagittarius represents the spiritual warrior who combines the valor and courage of the warrior with the wisdom, inspiration and dedication to a cause of the sage. This is a time to re-discover what cause, ideal, or "crusade" you want to put your Mars energy behind. It's also a time of re-newed interest in your own spiritual quest. If you have been feeling sTAGnant, resigned or apathetic, Mars in Sagittarius can help you get inspired and can help you re-kindle the fire of idealism in your life. Going on a pilgrimage to exotic, sacred or foreign locations is also a way of expressing this piquant transit.

Mars in Capricorn. This is an perfect time for concentrating and focusing your will power on anything it is that you want to bring into manifestation. Mars in Capricorn is like the general who creates the wide battle plan and then uses strategy, tactics, and the skillful use of resources to put that plan into action. With Mars in Capricorn we have the potential to merge our will so that we can bring our goals into manifestation. In order to manifest we must be willing to cause action to occur; to set up such a strong intention that the universe knows we are serious! Use Mars in Capricorn this month to generate a strong plan for the manifestation of your worthwhile goals.

Mars in Aquarius. With Mars in Aquarius the challenge is to focus our will towards greater self- actualization. This may mean finding at any ways that we have been stuck in expressing our will power or asserting ourselves with others. Mars in Aquarius calls us to break free of any restrictions that keep us from manifesting greater authenticity in our lives. Use the time that Mars is in Aquarius to break straight through old patterns of production yourself small so that no one will notice.

Mars in Pisces. With Mars in Pisces there is a focus on surrendering our personal will and with it the illusion of being in control. Mars in Pisces asks us to open ourselves up to be guided by spirit. man gave me a pad of Post-Its recently that sums this theme up perfectly: "If you want to make God laugh.....make plans." With Mars in Pisces the challenge is to "let go and let God." In other words, by surrendering our need to be in control of the outcome of our efforts we open the possibility of spirit co-creating with us. By doing so we are acknowledging that we are not alone or cut off from divine will.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Butcher Block Countertops

Butcher Block Countertops

There are two alternative finishes which can be applied to butcher block countertops. The mineral oil quit is the one used for cutting surfaces. The oil conditions the wood so that it won't dry out, warp, or crack. Every time you wash the countertop you will remove some of the oil. Therefore, you should re-apply this non-toxic material every 6 weeks or so.

Mineral oil is not waterproof, so if the top gets wet, the grain could raise, making the wood feel rough. So having sinks in butcher block countertops is not a good idea. The area around the sink will at last discolor, turning dark. Cut marks from knives are unmistakably sanded out, but then you should re-oil.

Another quit used on wood countertops is the "varnique" finish. This is a baked on satin polyurethane finish. It is safe for palpate with Food, and it has a low sheen, which most folks are happy with.

You shouldn't cut on butcher block countertops with this quit because cutting will remove the protection, leaving the wood exposed to water and other household liquids. It is extremely difficult to fix cuts in this quit so that you won't notice them.

However, if you're not cutting on this finish, the benefit is that it is virtually carefree. It's waterproof, so you can have a sink cut out in it. And you can spill grape juice of red wine on it, wipe it away, and not have a stain.

In kitchens that consolidate stone and butcher block countertops, homeowners usually want to do some cutting on the wood surface, so they want the oil finish. If you only want it for looks, then go with the varnique.

Several clubs offer butcher block countertops in many wood species, at distinct price points. Hard maple (also known as sugar maple) is the best option for cutting because it has the tightest grain and is the hardest of the acceptable woods. Lower grades of maple include: western maple, soft maple, and Chinese maple. These are all soft woods and they're not good surfaces that will take a lot of abuse.

Cherry and walnut are softer than hard maple, but very pretty and more expensive. Red oak is a very rough and grainy option, but is one of the least high-priced choices for wood countertops.

It might appear that some clubs are practically giving away their butcher block countertops. This is because they finger joint random scraps of anyone wood they have and call it a butcher block.

Mixed finger-jointed woods can have serious issues in time and you should stay away from them. So don't be like most habitancy who just look at the price.

Thickness is someone else notice when buying butcher block. The acceptable is 1 1/2" - any thinner than that is not a good idea. This thickness if fine up to 42" in length. Once you get longer, you should go to 1 3/4" to forestall warping in the future.

Any thicker is not significant under any circumstances, but some habitancy just like the look of thicker tops. If this is you, think about getting a 1 3/4" top and building up the edge. This will probably save you a lot of money.

At 2 1/4" thick (which is the next acceptable after 1 3/4") the price doubles, and can nearly triple at 3" thick. There is no price per quadrate foot for butcher block countertops, so don't even ask. Have your size, shape, wood species, thickness, quit and cutouts ready for a quote. You have to price each piece because all those eleMents influence the price.

Good luck.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

For a Weight Loss secret Look No supplementary Than Mr Habanero and His tiny Friends

For a Weight Loss secret Look No supplementary Than Mr Habanero and His tiny Friends

I've always loved hot peppers on just about anything, but just recently discovered the underground calculate so many habitancy eat them daily. These hot small fellows pack a punch of heat and also work hard to help you shed a few pounds over time. I remember the first time I tried a hot sauce. It was a habanero, and I sweat and cried for about 10 minutes (no one told me to try a small at first). Despite the pain, I was hooked. Chili peppers turned the plain and boring into an enthralling dish every time. I would go to the grocery store and fill the cart with new exotic sauces I had never tried before, head home and drench all things from spaghetti and salads to crab and chicken Kiev.

Nowadays I keep a nice arsenal of hot sauce on hand together with every chili pepper range I can find, together with jalapeno, chipotle, Birds eye, Jamaican hot pepper, cayenne, Tabiche and habanero (my favorite). Some of these names alone explain the purchase: "Colon Cleaner ", "Possible Side Effects Hot Sauce", "Charlie Sheen's Tiger Blood Winning Hot Sauce" and the most humorous, "Rectal Rocket Fuel Island Jerk Hot Sauce". How long do these habitancy sit around to dream up these names? It wasn't until recently that I was googling hot sauces to plan my next online purchase when I came over a website that posed the inquire "Do Habanero and Other Chile Peppers Boost Metabolism?" I had to know!

Could it be that my beloved hot peppers were also privately working behind the scenes in my body to convert me into a sculptured Adonis? Lovely thought, and though there is no pepper capable of that, there is enthralling news about hot peppers and weight loss. The science goes like this, when you ingest chile peppers, Capsaicin, the natural chemical that gives the pepper its heat and vitamin C, sends your metabolism into overdrive.

The hotter the pepper, the higher your core body temperature rises and the more power your stomach uses to suck in it. Now, you're not going to lose 5 pounds a week by doing this, but with the current midpoint weight gain of 30 pounds over 10 years, every small bit helps! In addition, there are studies that point to Capsaicin in effect preventing cancer cells from growing. There I was dousing my red beans and rice with "Henry's HAiry Hands Habanero Hot Sauce", never realizing all the good things those small guys were doing for my health! So today, when you skip the burger and eat that salad with avocados, tomatoes and carrots in an attempt to drop a merge of pounds, remember my friend the pepper, he can get you to your goal just a hAir Faster!

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Pearls, About - Fast wonderful Pearl Facts

Pearls, About - Fast wonderful Pearl Facts

Pearls are both a natural and cultured product. They are coveted, especially by woMen the world over as the classic feminine ornaMentation. Beautiful, iridescent pearl gem beads are valued throughout the world. The pearl necklace can be a simple, elegant string of pearls or pearls in aggregate with other gemstones. Pearls are also believed to promote integrity, loyalty, a calm habit and focus. Culturally, pearls have been the emblem of wealth, public prominence and success throughout human history.

The Pearl Maker

Who makes pearls? irritated mollusks/oysters make pearls, but not because they are angry. In nature, if an irritant such as sand gets into their soft layers of flesh, they cut off it inside layers of calcium carbonate called nacre. The oyster produces many layers of nacre to protect itself. At the same time it produces one of nature's most gorgeous ornaMents. The most highly prized pearls are spirited white, very round, without fault and have an exceptional sheen referred to as luster. If a pearl has a low luster rating, it is commonly due to thin or a low count of nacre layers. Oysters raised in colder water sometimes produce low luster pearls. Pearls are an organic gem and can also be produced by mussels, conch and abalone.

Pearl Color and Tone

Many white pearls have overtone colors referred to as tint. Pink or rose overtones are rare and expensive. Creamier overtones are also rare but not quite so expensive. Pearls with silver overtones are also highly coveted. Mikimoto and company
(, is the world leader in acquiring and selling pearls with pink overtones and Tiffany & company is a primary dealer in silver over-toned pearls. In America, a company called American Pearl ( is one of the leading wholesale suppliers of fine pearls. Charlie Bakhash founded American Pearl. He has been in the company over 50 years. American Pearl has the reputation for selling flawless and the whitest body color pearls with silver or rose overtones.

Natural vs. Cultured Pearls

Natural pearls are created in mollusks. They originate pearls to protect themselves from sand, parasites and other itsybitsy foreign objects. These natural pearls are mostly found in the Persian Gulf and are referred to as oriental pearls. Natural salt-water pearls are among the most coveted in the world but have virtually ceased to exist due to pollution and lack of natural Supply.

Cultured pearl growing began with a patented process invented by Kokichi Mikimoto, the founder of Mikimoto and Company, one of the world's finest pearl growers and sellers.
A bead is surgically planted in Akoya oysters to originate the irritant that causes oysters to originate a pearl. The oysters are then put back in the sea enclosed in baskets. They stay in the baskets from one to three years. Twenty five percent of the oysters left in the baskets die each year. Yet, the longer they have to produce layers of nacre the larger and more gorgeous the pearls produced. You can begin to appreciate why these salt-water pearls have such value.

Freshwater Pearls

Cultured freshwater pearls are grown in rivers all over the globe. Japan cultivates them and so does the United States along small tributaries of the Mississippi River. Freshwater pearls are produced by mollusks. They can be grown in a variety of colors including pink, orange, mauve and golden colors. They are commonly smaller in size and come in a variety of sizes. Colored pearls are judged by tone. Tone refers to the intensity of the color fluctuating from light to dark. A dark yellow pearl will have a richer color and is determined more rare and valuable. Pearls can also be dyed and come in a variety of shapes. The shapes vary from round, baroque, button shaped, drop shapes and irregular shapes. Large round spherical pearls are the most highly valued. Pearls of any kind make gorgeous continuing jewelry by themselves or in aggregate with other gemstones. Freshwater pearls make gorgeous jewelry and many varieties are well within the tasteless person's price range.

The creative designs for fresh water pearls in aggregate with other precious and semi-precious gemstones are assuredly limitless. You can see some examples at . Tiger eye gemstone and yellow pearls in aggregate are coveted by many as beautiful, potential rich and affordable foundation jewelry acceptable for any occasion.

Stringing Pearls

Pearls must be drilled in order to make a classic strand, necklace or anklet possible. Often, a fault can be created on the pearl's surface right nearby the hole. If a pearl has been dyed, there will sometimes be a attentiveness of color nearby the bead hole. The pearls are traditionally strung on high potential silk cord that is knotted in the middle of each pearl to separate, display and protect each pearl from the one next to it. If the beach should break only one pearl will fall from the string and potentially roll away. The knot in the middle of each pearl keeps them from rubbing against each other, which can do damage over time. Silk cord rarely breaks. It is thin and unobtrusive yet very strong. It is commonly pre-stretched before becoming the foundation for a beach of fine pearls. The pearls of a fine beach should be perfectly matched in size, shape, color and tone. This adds to the value of a necklace or bracelet.

Caring for Pearls

A Pearl is an organic gem. Nacre is made of calcium carbonate. Pearls are made of a soluble chemical and can assuredly be damaged by oils, perfume, hAir spray and human perspiration. They can be cleaned with Filtered water and cotton balls. Avoid all chemicals. Jewelers know how to safely clean pearls that are badly soiled. Treat pearls with the respect mum Nature intended for her work of art and their attractiveness and luster will last forever.

Pearl History

Pearls have been valued for their shimmering iridescence and glow since aged man first walked the earth. Many aged cultures reference stories connected to pearls. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra dissolved pearls in wine so she could consume the wealth of an whole nation in one meal. Pearls defined wealth and public standing in aged Rome. The Greeks determined the pearl the greatest emblem of love and marriage. The dark ages saw maidens of nobility gifting pearls to gallant knights as a security in battle. The nobility of the European Renaissance displayed and gather pearls in excess. Laws were passed that forbid anything except nobility to wear pearls. In the New World of America the discovery of pearls in Central America caused their demise in the 17th century due to over harvesting of this natural resource. The sublime jeweler, Jacques Cartier bought his New York store in 1916 by trading two pearl necklaces for the building...a very good buy.

Pearls have served man culturally, artistically, financially, psychologically and emotionally throughout history. Their value extends far beyond the Dollar they command. They are most importantly, an expression of excellence shared cooperatively by man and nature. Here is hoping the attractiveness of pearls help you celebrate your life.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

James Dean - James Byron Dean

James Dean - James Byron Dean

James Byron Dean

Life Imitates Art

Generation Next

Animal Farm

Four Eyes

These Go To Eleven

The Actor Way

Frank, Billie And Jimmy

Acting The Part

Dead Man'S Curve

Apocalypse Now


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean

James Byron Dean

James Dean was born on February 8th, 1931 in Marion, Indiana. His hobbies were writing, painting, bullfighting (when did that happen?), photography, sculpting, car racing, horse racing and playing the bongos. His beloved drink was coffee and his beloved ice cream flavor was coffee and raspberry.

Life Imitates Art

"To grasp the full importance of life is the actor's duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication. Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your attention and imagination, and that's all you have. Being a good actor isn't easy. Being a man is even harder. I want to be both before I'm done."

Generation Next

James Dean's first professional acting gig was a Pepsi commercial. Since then, Michael Jackson, Cindy Crawford, Michael J. Fox, Shaquille O'Neal, Jeff Gordon, Ray Charles, Billy Crystal, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Shakira, The Osbournes, Faith Hill, Sammy Sosa, Joe Montana, Ken Griffey Jr., Gloria Estafan, Tina Turner and many others have endorsed the blue canned beverage.

Brad'S Choice

Before Pepsi was called Pepsi, it was called "Brad's Drink" way back in 1898. Well, other Brad, Brad Pitt is now vying for the opening to remake James Dean's first film, "East of Eden" with Pitt in the starring role. Dean's operation in "East of Eden" won him an Oscar nomination, developMent him one of only five actors to receive a nomination from their first screen performances. He was also the only actor in history to receive more than one Oscar nomination posthumously.

Animal Farm

"Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor produce his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn't hiss or boo me. I also became close to nature, and am now able to appreciate the beauty with which this world is endowed."

Four Eyes

Dean was required to wear glasses while driving as he was nearsighted. The king of cool, had to wear glasses, if only he had been nearby long sufficient to do a public aid proclamation for that, then being a "four-eyes" would have meant a wholly separate thing these days.

These Go To Eleven

No matter what kind of music James Dean listened to, he liked it Loud! But what did he listen to? After all it was the early 50's and Elvis had yet to come to be the King, the Beatles had yet to come to be the Fab Four...What did James Dean rock out to, before there was Rock? He liked African Tribal music, Afro-Cuban songs and dance (Dean liked to play the bongos), Classical music - especially Bartok and Stravinsky, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday.

The Actor Way

"When an actor plays a scene exactly the way a director orders, it isn't acting. It's following instructions. Whatever with the corporal qualifications can do that. So the director's task is just that ñ to direct, to point the way. Then the actor takes over. And he must be allowed the space, the relaxation to express himself in the role. Without that space, an actor is no more than an unthinking robot with a chest-full of push-buttons."

Frank, Billie And Jimmy

It has been said that James Dean's beloved song was Billie Holiday's "When Your Lover Has Gone" and his beloved album was Frank Sinatra's "Songs for Young Lovers".

Acting The Part

"An actor must interpret life, and in order to do so must be willing to accept all the experiences life has to offer. In fact, he must seek out more of life than life puts at his feet. In the short span of his lifetime, an actor must learn all there is to know, experience all there is to experience, or advent that state as closely as possible. He must be superhuman in his efforts to store away in the core of his subconscious all that he might be called upon to use in the expression of his art."

Dead Man'S Curve

Dean only made three Hollywood pictures, propelling him into super stardom. As his final film, Giant, was wrapping up in Marfa, Texas, Dean was driving his Porsche Spyder to an auto race in Salinas, California. His car collided with other can surface Cholame, California. James Dean, an American legend, died on September 30th, 1955. The Failure prognosis company later re-created all the details of the crisis at the same approximate time on September 30th, and done that James Dean was traveling 55 to 56 m.p.h. When the fateful crisis occurred, thereby proving he had not been speeding, despite the fact that he had received a speeding label only two hours before the crash.

Apocalypse Now

"Jim Dean and Elvis were the spokesMen for an whole generation. When I was in acting school in New York, years ago, there was a saying that if Marlon Brando changed the way people acted, then James Dean changed the way people lived. He was the most actor who ever lived. He was simply a genius." - Martin Sheen


"Every time I go to Europe, I remember that James Dean never saw Europe, but yet I see his face everywhere. There ís James Dean, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe windows of the Champs Elysees, discos in the south of Spain, restaurants in Sweden, t-shirts in Moscow. My life was confused and disoriented for years by his passing. My sense of destiny destroyed the great films he would have directed, the great performances he would have given, the great humanitarian he would have become, and yet, he is the most actor and star I have ever known." - Dennis Hopper

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stars' Starts - When and Where Actors and Actresses Debuted

Stars' Starts - When and Where Actors and Actresses Debuted

Cruise, Hatcher, McConaughey, Pitt, Jolie... Movie and Tv stars have to get their start somewhere. This is a list of the first time these actors and actresses appeared on the whether the big or small screen.

Tom Cruise - Endless Love (1981) - Played a boy named "Billy" in this high-school romance movie starring Brooke Shields. Teri Hatcher - The Love Boat (1977) - Played "Amy," a loveboat mermaid, in this romantic comedy Tv series. Matthew McConaughey - Unsolved Mysteries (1992) - Played "Larry Dickens" in this reenactMent Tv mystery series. Brad Pitt - No Man's Land (1987) - Played a waiter in this crime drama movie starring Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen - The execution of secret Slovik (1974) - Played a kid at a wedding in this Tv movie starring his father, Martin. Angelina Jolie - Lookin' to Get Out (1982) - Played "Tosh" in this comedy movie starring her dad, Jon Voight. Matt Damon - Mystic Pizza (1988) - Played "Steamer" in this romantic comedy movie starring Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts - Firehouse (1987) - Played "Babs" in a movie about sexy woMen in fire fighting school. Denzel Washington - Wilma (1977) - Played "Robert" in this Tv movie about Olympic athletes. George Clooney - Centennial (1978) - Played a village extra in this western Tv mini-series. Charlize Theron - Children of the Corn Iii (1995) - Played a young woman in this Stephen King-based film. Kirsten Dunst - New York Stories (1989) - Played a small role in this film by directed by Coppola, Scorsese and Woody. Tom Hanks - He Knows You're Alone (1980) - Played "Elliot" in this horror thriller movie. Harrison Ford - Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966) - Played a bellhop in the crime film about robbing an Airport bank. Halle Berry - Living Dolls (1989) - Played "Emily" in this Tv series spin off of "Who's the Boss." Kiefer Sutherland - Max Dugan Returns (1983) - Played "Bill" in this comedy movie with his father, Donald, and Matthew Broderick. Matthew Broderick - Max Dugan Returns (1983) - Played "Michael" in this comedy with both Kiefer and Donald Sutherland. Courtney Cox - As the World Turns (1984) - Played "Bunny" in this Tv soap opera. Jennifer Aniston - Camp Cucamonga (1990) - Played "Ava" in this Tv family movie. Drew Barrymore - Suddenly, Love (1978) - Played "Bobbi" in this Tv movie-of-the-week. Leonardo DiCaprio - Parenthood (1990) - Played "Garry" in the this Tv series based on the theater movie. Al Pacino - N.Y.P.D. (1968) - Played "John James" in one lesson of this crime drama Tv series. Marlon Brando - The Men (1950) - Starring role named "Bud" in this black-and-white film. Robert Deniro - Trois chambres à Manhattan (1965) - Played a client in a diner in the French drama movie. Robert Redford - Maverick (1960) - Played "Jimmy" in this western Tv series starring James Garner. Rachel McAdams - Shotgun Love Dolls (2001) - Played "Beth" in this new made-for-Tv sci-fi movie. Meg Ryan - Rich and celebrated (1981) - Played "Debbie" at age 18 in this movie where time to come BayWatch babe Nicole Egert played "Debby" at age 8 Antonio Banderas - Pestañas postizas (1981) - Starred as "Antonio" in this Spanish movie. Keira Knightley - Royal Celebration (1993) - Played a diminutive girl in the British Tv movie starring Minnie Driver. Scarlett Johansson - North (1994) - Played "Laura" in this movie starring Elijah Wood and half the Seinfeld cast. Jerry Seinfeld - Benson (1980) - Played "Frankie" in this Tv series about a butler. Bill Murray - Tarzoon, la honte de la jungle (1975) - Voiced a character in this adult cartoon movie from the writers of Snl. Jim Carrey - Happy Days (1975) - Played a gang member in the "Fonzie the Flatfoot" lesson of this comedy Tv series. Nicole Kidman - Skin Deep (1983) - Played "Sheena" in this comedic Australian Tv movie about the fashion industry. Mel Gibson - The Sullivans (1976) - Played "Ray" in this Australian soap opera Tv series. Tim Allen - Tropical Snow (1989) - Played a baggage handler in this dramatic movie, set in New York City. Susan Sarandon - A World Apart (1970) - Played "Patrice" in this short-lived soap opera Tv series about age, race and gender. Jamie Foxx - Toys (1992) - Played "Baker" in this breathtaking comedy starring Robin Williams Robin Williams - America 2-Night (1977) - Played "Jason" in this short-lived Tv series about a talk show from Fernwood, Ohio. If you know any others, add them here:


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Friday, October 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen - A Multifarious Star

Charlie Sheen - A Multifarious Star

Undoubtedly acting is an art; which can be polished by learning; but cannot be acquired like anything. Hollywood is like a magical box full of genuine and surreal actors; and Charlie Sheen is the real one. One must possess acting germs to be a good actor. Charlie Sheen is born with innate acting talent being a son of an actor and an artist Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton respectively. Sports and girls are very usual interests of the school boys; but Sheen revealed his inborn flAir by manufacture many petition picture films with the help of his classmates; which laid the starting of his career.

It doesn't mean that he had no interest in sports. Along with the acting talent; he was a good player of the baseball team. His acting career formally started at the age of nine with his small role in the television movie:"The execution of inexpressive Slovik"; after which, he decorated the screen by his illustrious characters; like, Dick Brewer in 'Young Guns', as a deputy mayor of new York in the Spin City; and the most recent as a Charles Francis in 'Two & a Half Men'. Moreover, his aficionados are finding send to his Computer thoughprovoking film "Foodfight"; which isn't released yet.

EntertainMent or amuseMent is not a particular shade of an actor. A good actor should also be a high-quality logician and a critic of governMent policies; and Sheen holds both. By demanding Obama to reopen 9/11 investigation; he didn't only show his deep vision; but also proved that American nation is still alive. Pointing shape to one's father's crime is the height of impartiality; and Sheen by accusing the management of the former President Bush for backing up 9/11 attacks did so. A nation dies when she makes varying yardsticks for the justice; because humanity and justice cannot be replicated. Alex Carey beautifully says: "Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly identify the voice of their own conscience normally identify also the voice of justice."

In short, acting is all about truthfulness; and Charlie Sheen is justifying it with integrity and responsibility.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Music Feeds Our collective Mood

How Music Feeds Our collective Mood

When we are awake and alert, we have a predominance of beta rhythms within our neural patterns. Imagine a busy work day with a tiny adrenaline rush.

When we spend in brain wave entrainMent (Bwe) programs, it's normally for purposes of relaxation. We spend in alpha and theta rhythm programs to help with stress relief and relaxation. We spend in delta rhythm programs to help with pain relief and sleep. There are all kinds of entrainMent programs for other purposes too like studying good habits.

Consider this: We are conditioned into safe bet habits and impulses when we are awake and alert. Customary examples might be traumatic experiences from our childhoods like emotional abuse or a terrible accident. The consequence is an invisible barricade of fear settled within the mind that can enlarge into all sorts of adult idiosyncrasies; these psychosocial indiscretions are difficult to counter.

On the other end of the spectrum, we push straight through situations that give us confidence. We all the time test ourselves to gain confidence in our abilities. One of the greatest tests is to find true love and happiness. First, we must have the courage to share true love and happiness with others. Imagine doing a collective performance, salvage a life, or giving a distraught man a calculate for living.

Whether gaining fear or confidence, we do it under ultimate conditions: Our hearts are pounding in our ears. We break into cold sweats. Adrenaline gushes hot straight through our veins as if in a life or death struggle. Our brainwaves shoot into gamma rhythms, sometimes beyond, in moments of intense stress. All things relative, people who have faced the same test 1000 times are as peaceful as can be, but their lives are at a stand still.

We can meditate on a situation. Play it in our heads again and again until we get it right, but our waking state must deal with that tense situation in real time with all the unknown factors and intricacies.

Fortunately, our subconscious and super known are there to guide our intuition and gut instincts. Unfortunately, we are not all the time raised with good, productive intuition. Sometimes, we're not nurtured with life safe bet intentions, so our "knee jerk" reactions don't all the time serve us or those colse to us.

How Our "Knee Jerk" Reactions Fail Us
In general, we tend to avoid tense situations, not because we know what might happen, but because we don't know how to deal with adversity. What are we supposed to do when we are "nurtured" into avoiding bad situations? Our emotional securities end up telling us, "don't rock the boat, that's too dangerous."

Avoiding the unknown becomes habit forming. Avoiding the "unknowns" is an idiosyncrasy caused by barriers of fear within the mind. Most people reach a point in their lives where they no longer wish to test their true metal because of fear.

At this point some people might assume that I want you to place yourself in unnecessary peril. No, that's not what I want. We place ourselves in peril by not questioning potential evils and dangers in contemporary society, thereby avoiding unknowns. I ask that people educate themselves to put themselves in significant peril.

In decadent society, mainstream media justifies and feeds our human frailties along with fear. Politicians and the media consistently raise fears of maniacs, terrorist plots, economic depravities, and threat of disease. Then they point their fingers at corruption in other countries while avoiding our own. Meanwhile, someone else spotlight is on Charlie Sheen. Is mainstream media helping him to interpret his corruption and that of others?

Decadent community is only concerned in our lower level reasoning. Mainstream marketers aim at our limbic theory (id) which is instinctive, older than language, yet Faster than thinking; it controls trust, attention and desire. Mainstream marketers depend on our lower level thinking to "make the sale." For this reason, the mainstream sells its contents like processed sweets for our instant gratification.

Mainstream music is produced with the same intention. For example, country music and gothic rock tends to resonate with depression which is based in fear. "Mature" rap and thrash metal justifies anger and vengeance within its audience. Most pop music and their artists like Katy Perry are packaged as processed sweets for our instant gratification.

How Music Feeds Our Minds
I've mentioned freedom programs using Bwe. For example, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson produces relaxing piano music with fundamental entrainment, but it lacks intention. In general, most Bwe programs:

Do not induce emotional intentions in listeners the way mainstream media does; Only adjust our brain wave patterns without feeding any part of our emotional minds.

In direct contrast, music:

Induces emotional intentions in listeners by feeding id, ego, and super ego; Adjusts our brain wave patterns while feeding our emotional minds.

According to the newest neuropsychology research, music containing brain wave entrainment (Bwe) technology and impactful emotional content is more efficacious than Bwe alone. Scholastic neuropsychology does not treat people as spiritual beings who require emotional impact.

Ironically, mainstream media along with the music commerce hires neuropsychology experts to help them make an emotional impact on their audience - and it works. The music commerce connects with people at the emotional level. If you've ever Watched American Idol, the judges like to tell contestants to "connect" with their audience, so they become marketable products.

Amid the musical genres, uplifting music feeds us in a good way. The problem is most people are attracted to music that resonates only with their id and ego. Preston Nichols in "The Music of Time" says that rock n' roll has been engineered for decades to petition to the id, our lower level mind patterns. Agreeing to my studies, I tend to agree.

For this reason, we also have upbeat music that feeds us in a good way. Can music that resonates with lower level mind patterns induce good intentions? Yes, as long as it also resonates with ethics, higher level mind or super ego we have balance.

Music that induces life-positive, productive intentions is not in big demand, but it exists for the few of us who crave it; for example, gospel rock, soul and some new age music resonates with our super egos, our higher level reasoning, morals and ethics because they induce good intentions.

We are attracted to that which justifies or feeds our personalities. Our favorite music normally does that, but most people only want to feed their human frailties. At times, I also have a guilty pleasures for emo-rock, probably because of Amy Lee. Sometimes, we have to face those frailties to move past them.

Nature vs. Nurture
A myriad of research on the human mind took my interest as I discovered a golden thread running straight through all of the music and Bwe tools that resonate with us most: We love nature. We love the way it stimulates our senses.

Imagine yourself under an apple tree: All the branches are slightly different, but they're mostly the same patterns. We can look beyond one layer and see the same pattern in the next layer, then the next; this is fractal geometry. We are attracted to nature because it reflects natural order within our minds - which are reflections of nature.

The same applies to weather phenomena. Although storms consist mostly of white noise, there are also textures and rhythms which form Customary patterns. Storms also contain choruses like wind and cadences like thunder, the same type of patterns we expect to hear in music.

Reflections of Our Minds
The music we love resonates with the fractal patterns within our minds. For this reason, younger people tend to listen to heavier, upbeat patterns like beta rhythms while older people who want to relax tend to listen to softer patterns like alpha rhythms.

More leading than the music are the concepts and intentions within that music. For example, death metal reflects a subculture of dark mind patterns obsessed with dark, life-negative concepts. The neural patterns related with these concepts naturally resonate with dark mind patterns.

On the other hand, waking rhythms are also applied by artists like Sarah Brightman, Enya, and Yanni. The music they make reflects their mind patterns with enlightened, life-positive intentions.

Rhythms are resonant carriers for all of these concepts and intentions which also reflect our mind patterns.

We remember "catchy" lyrics of a song as a mantra that we sing in our heads ad infinitum because the rhythm and the conception reflects our emotions. We have an intrinsic emotional order for songs in the same way we have an intrinsic geometric order for trees or clouds.

In some way, they match our mind patterns like pieces in a puzzle. For this reason, we remember songs with the greatest emotional triggers, no matter how old we get.

Intentions within a song are like the music carried on radio waves: When we tune into those waves, we tune into the music. When we tune into the music, we tune into the intentions. Good or bad, these intentions look after us to reflect who we are.

Let's do ourselves a favor by feeding our minds once in a while with good intentions; it's a balanced diet for the soul.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession By Kate Genovese

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession By Kate Genovese

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession is a novel by Kate Genovese. It is a house saga, featuring the O'Briens from Boston, Massachusetts. On the face of things, the O'Briens are an upstanding pillar of the community. John O'Brien is a politician, a senator no less, and a respected and long term incumbent to boot. Marie, Mrs. O'Brien, is a devout Catholic with five children. She is determined that they should be raised in such a way that ensures they create values and respect rules. She fails.

The story centres on two siblings of the O'Brien household, and sets their stories in parallel, spanning three decades up to the 1980s. Molly and Sean are separated by any years, Sean being the older. Molly is the more impetuous of the two, Sean, in his own way, the less predictable. Things at home turn very sour undoubtedly when Molly claims she is sexually abused by her brother. She complains to her mother, who blames her daughter for raising such ideas in the hothouse of her over-active imagination. She tells her father, who seems to be equally dismissive, being always more interested in the preservation of his own privilege and social face. It is only a long time later that she learns her father did, indeed, speak to Sean. They are words that the boy resents, for he has no recollection of having done anything.

Essentially, Two Weeks Since My Last Confession deals with the on-going consequences of these reactions which, at the time, were generated for merely rational reasons, their intended consequences designed to heal rather than harm. Events are described from the personel perspectives of the two children, Molly and Sean.

On the covering a devout Roman Catholic nuclear group, the O'Briens in reality are shot through with tension, hypocrisy, deceit and, indeed, corruption. They are perhaps a fAirly appropriate house beneath the sheen of respect. When the lad misbehaves, his senator father pulls strings so that nothing will come of the issue and, importantly, there will be no article kept. The senator, himself, is a rampant womanizer and two timer, his clearly unhappy wife thus trapped in a marriage her religion would never witness ending. Sean gets up to some pretty naughty things before, while and after his tour of duty in Vietnam, but the palpate of war does turn him, so that his life is transformed. As he matures, he begins to understand and come to terms with the origin of the psychological demons that have haunted him since boyhood.

But it is Molly, more formally Maureen Bridget whenever her mother scolds her, who provides the centrepiece of the story. Her life is a tale of deterioration, a personal tragedy that affects all colse to her.

In Bobby Angelo, she finds a exquisite boyfriend at an age when she is just too young to convince others her feelings are sincere. She develops an early, rich, sexual relationship with Bobby, who seems to be a likable boy of Italian descent. He is convinced he is destined for stardom as a baseball player and somehow it just doesn't work out with Molly.

In fact, it undoubtedly worked out a slight too well with Molly, but he is ignorant of this when he goes off to college. Molly is thus prevented from attending college herself and she takes up a work in health care. She has already smoked dope, as have most of her peers, and she has tried a few other things. Her pro activities facilitate her passage to drugs, of course, and she begins to try something different, and then a slight more, and a slight more still. And so she drifts into a destitution of addiction. But it is a state that allows her to continue a semblance of a normal life for many years.

The book describes the history of the whole family, however, in order to fill out details of the two valuable characters' lives. There are marriages and births - sometimes in that order, some more marriages, plentifulness of divorces, more births, domestic abuse, success, wealth, failure. There are breakdowns, rehab centres, a Vietnam War and pop culture. And so the characters inhabit a confused two decades to emerge older, wiser perhaps, more stable perhaps, undoubtedly awaiting what life will throw at them next.

Ultimately, the book is an test of abuse and its consequences, both direct and incidental. The childhood traumas that centred on Molly and Sean resurface, examine attention, usually reassert their control of lives. They have been denied. They will not go away. And again ultimately the book has a message of hope, as the skeletons in the cupboard are ultimately brought out into daylight and undoubtedly buried.

Life can be a messy process, with events becoming confused, subconsciously rejected or unacknowledged. But things do catch up with you in the end. The mistakes are truly easy to make, but unpicking their consequences can be an intricate, delicate and lengthy task.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hollywood Celebs and Numerology of the Dark Side

Hollywood Celebs and Numerology of the Dark Side

[This record is neither intended to extol nor defame any individual. It is offered simply as a means of relating the numbers in one's Kings Numerology chart with the events and circumstances of their lives and destinies to additional the insight of numerology as a science.]

Hollywood. The very name congers up visions of movie stars and starlets, talent galore, red rug extravagances such as the Oscars and the Golden Globes, luxurious life styles, rich cars, fancy Clothes, and gorgeous people. It is, indeed, a fAirytale land of wished-for dreams come true. Unfortunately, it is also a morass-infested underworld of nightmares - real life horror-filled, torturous, tear-laden, tragic, and sorrowful excursions, often fatal, into the dark side.

Why is there such an fullness of shipwrecks, train wrecks, and human wrecks in Tinsel Town? possibly because it is only a tinsel town, an illusory facade awash with seductive Sirens Tirelessly magnetizing and luring an endless stream of dreamers and schemers to taste the fruit of illusion. As the famed Dr. Samuel Johnson poetically mused in his "Vanity of Human Wishes,"

Unnumbered suppliants crowd PreferMent's gate,
Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great;
Delusive Fortune hears the incessant call,
They mount, they shine, evaporate, and fall.
On every sTAGe the foes of peace attend,
Hate dogs their flight, and insult mocks their end.

All this philosophizing aside, is there any science behind the maelstrom of wreckage-strewn celebrity madness? Yes, there is. The King's Numerology offers attractive answers to life's issues through the most universal transportation system of all, numbers.

In numerology, numbers possess attributes and characteristics. Numbers, like coins, have two sides - one positive, one negative; one radiating light, the other darkness. One of the most noteworthy numbers in numerology is the expert whole 33 (thirty-three). Arguably, it is the former power foremost souls... Not just Hollywood souls... Down into the woebegone cavern of dark dreams, dark thoughts, and dark actions until the eyes themselves go dark.

The 33 expert number, as all expert numbers, is no ordinary number. expert numbers exude ultimate amounts of power. Like nuclear energy, they can be wonderfully effective and tragically destructive. It is all in how they're used.

The dark side of the expert whole 33 represents sensual pleasure, uncontrolled wanton Partying, sex, drugs, lust, and addiction. On its light side it rules ultimate self-expression, love, communication, art, language, joy, health, wholesome pleasure, and lyric harmony. The 33 is arguably one of the most artistic, self-expressive and communicative numbers of all two-digit combinations. When used positively, the sky's the limit. When used negatively, there is no lowest to the abyss.

The world is all too familiar with stars, starlets, celebrities, and world icons who have fallen prey to the Siren Song of the 33's pleasure-drenched whirlpool. All of the names on the following list have the expert whole 33 dominant in their King's Numerology chart:

Amy Winehouse
Anna Nicole Smith
Britney Spears
Charlie Sheen
Elvis Presley
Lindsey Lohan
Marilyn Monroe
Michael Jackson
Paris Hilton
Phil Spector
Tiger Woods
Whitney Houston

The lives of these famous individuals are tasteless household names. Who among them has not had a tragic life to some degree? True, some had and have lives more sorrow-laden than others, but all have been in the global spotlight of issue and tragedy at some time. What is the tasteless denominator among them? You guessed it, the expert whole 33. The variation in the degree of difficulty lies in the whole of 33 power in a chart, as well as the proximity of other numbers in each chart playing an accompanying role, especially the numbers 5 and 7. Charlie Sheen's and Michael Jackson's King's Numerology charts have a great deal of 33 energy. They, as each of the others on the list, have noteworthy talent, and they, like the others, allowed their 33 expert power to run away with them, much like a rider on a runaway, reinless, bitless horse.

Other historic figures who have had the 33 in their numerology charts are:

Babe Ruth
George Armstrong Custer
General George Patton
Helen Keller
Howard Hughes
Jackie Robinson
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mother Teresa
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Winston Churchill
Wyatt Earp

In this group we can truly see the positive expression of the expert whole 33 reflected in such global icons as mum Teresa, Winston Churchill, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King, and Jackie Robinson.


The whole 33 is a noteworthy expert whole in numerology. Its attributes (keywords) are those of self-expression, communication, art, health, beauty, language, words, the media, children, health, well-being, harmony, pleasure, joy, friends, good times, sex, addiction. When controlled and used positively, the 33 expert power is a noteworthy car to one's artistic, communicative, wholesome and joyful life. However, if it is left uncontrolled and the someone in whom its energies burn white-hot, it can lead one down a dark, destructive and tragic path, often ending in death.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Celebrities in Briefs

Brad Pritt and Angelina Jolie

Recently Brad Pritt and Angelina Jolie, or the famously branded Brangelina family took a chopper from Manhattan to Hamptons trying to avoid the jam on the Long Island Expressway. Brad and Angelina were on a visit to New York and had to attend to a fundraiser in help of construction more environMentally friendly houses in hurricane hit New Orleans area.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller

Celebrities in Briefs

Charlie Sheen's beach with kids and Brooke Mueller got a spanner in the works when his ex-wife's assistant showed up, reported the People. But the assistant did not come there as coincidence but on her work as the court ordered show the way proposed by Denise Richards. Sheen complained to citizen magazine that "I can't get ability time-times I'm never going to get again-quite frankly being observed by a exquisite stranger,"

"Posh" Spice girl Victoria and David Beckham

The Uk mirror reports that "posh" Spice girl Victoria Beckham and husband football star David Beckham are planning an "American kid". The incorporate already has three boys and are planning a fourth. "We'd like to have another-may be next year," says posh. "He or she may be lucky enough to have dual citizenship".

Recently, David Beckham was recalled on to the Uk national team and will now be playing in all their matches. Poor guy will have to be traveling over 10,000km now that he is in the Usa. He any way seemed to like the fact that he is back on the England's team and team mate Peter Crouch is also elated about the return of his prefect goal organizing skills. He is known to be able to land the ball dead on the dangerous midfield striker's head.

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Celebrities in Briefs

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Badlands (1973)

Badlands is a 1973 drama loosely based on the story of Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate. Starkweather went on a murder spree between December 1957 and January 1958, with Fugate by his side.

In Badlands, Sissy Spacek plays Holly, our 15 year old narrator, who lives with her father in a small town in South Dakota. She's a shy, lonely girl low in confidence, often ignored by her cold father. One day she meets Kit, a James Dean wannabe ten years her senior, who is kind to her. Kit is isolated in his own way, as he has no real friends and gets no respect in his Job. Thus, the two proTAGonists are bored and apathetic in their lives. They meet in secret, and eventually fall in love. Her father is furious when he finds out, and insists on extra music lessons to keep her away from him. Kit doesn't like being kept away from Holly, prominent him to shoot her father dead, and then hiding him in the baseMent. Holly doesn't cry over it, merely slaps Kit over the face. With nowhere to go, Kit decides they must leave. He records his confession and leaves it at the scene of the crime.  He sets fire to the house, and then they drive into the night. We see the house go up in flames, with furniture and Food resisting to the fire, perhaps symbolic of Holly's old life dying.

Charlie Sheen

Kit and Holly drive north, but when they encounter person who seems suspicious, paranoid Kit gets trigger happy, and they leave the scenes knowing they can't run forever. They live in a tree house for a time, stay with Kit's friend and even rob a house for Food, fearing they would be recognised in supermarkets.

Badlands (1973)

We never learn too much about Kit or how he feels about doing something as drastic as shooting someone, as Holly remains mostly naive in her narration. She sees him as the charming love of her life, and is seems indifferent to his appetite for killing. Holly appears to admire his wish to eventually be caught and reprimanded, as they both know the driving has to stop soon. perhaps if Kit narrated the story we would get some insight into the mind of a sociopath, and his thinking behind killing people. The story told by Holly almost romanticises their circumstances, as she fully believes that he needs her beside him. Her narration doesn't correspond with their situation, as she is aloof to the harm Kit inflicts on others. It presents us with a female view on Bonnie and Clyde style murders, as Holly sees no evil in Kit, more that he wants to leave his mark in history.

The setting for the movie, miles of uninterrupted prAirie far from civilised towns, picturesque with the sun setting over it, could be a metaphor for Holly's initial loneliness, as the two drive through uninhabited land with only each other for company. Neither of them show remorse for the deaths, or seem aware of the blatant violation of morals, as Holly's sense of right and wrong become blurred by her love for Kit. His arrogance is clear when Holly tells us that he wants a girl beside him until the end so that if he dies, person will scream his name. He's a walking oxymoron, boasting the importance of education and clean streets, yet can shoot person in cold blood without a second thought.

Badlands is a great movie, that focuses more on the waning relationship of two outcasts, rather than glorifying murder or showing gratuitous violence. The movie could have really been made into a sinister crime thriller, which would have been interesting, but instead the director successfully chose the underdog route of making it more about the citizen involved. It would have felt a bit vacant without Holly's narration, as she ineffectively tries to justify their situation. It's a beautifully scenic and tragic film, that gets level to the point with its motives. Holly and Kit are devoid of emotion for the most part, and remain this way until the end. If you're a huge fan of True Romance like me, you'll consideration how it found inspiration in Badlands: the soothing musical score, narration by the lonely Southern girl, and the factory of a integrate on the run. If you're fond of Spacek and Sheen, then their representation of a young integrate on a murder spree will do nothing short of impress you. It's an absorbing look into the personalities of two citizen ignored by society, who find solace in each other in spite of their circumstances.

Badlands (1973)

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Top 10 beloved Baseball Movies

When I was four years old, the very first movie I got to see on the big screen was Superman starring Christopher Reeve. It was an palpate that I will never forget. an additional one palpate that I will never forget happened four years later when I was introduced to the game of baseball. With that being said, what would be a best way to express two of my popular activities than to list my top 10 list of baseball themed movies and see if some of the movies on my list made it on your list. So if you are a lover of baseball and a lover of movies then you have come to the right place.

The following list will be ranked starting at #10 and end with my #1 baseball themed movie.

Charlie Sheen

10.) Soul of the Game (1996) - This movie centers on the association in the middle of Jackie Robinson, Satchel Paige, and Josh Gibson who were stars of the Negro Leagues. It stars BlAir Underwood, Delroy Lindo, and Mykelti Williamson respectively as the three players. At first, when Jackie Robinson signs with the Brooklyn Dodgers there is animosity toward him by the other two but they soon come to terms with the decision. This movie also focuses on Satchel Paige's age and Josh Gibson's reasoning illness.

My Top 10 beloved Baseball Movies

9.) Bull Durham (1988) - Kevin Costner stars as "Crash" Davis, a 12 year veteran of the minor leagues who is unwillingly sent down to the single-A Durham Bulls to help tutor rookie pitcher Ebby LaLoosh, played by Tim Robbins, put in order for production the major leagues. This movie also stars Susan Sarandon as Annie, a baseball "groupie" who starts a association with LaLoosh. With the help of Annie and Crash, Ebby LaLoosh eventually makes the majors but Crash is released by the Durham Bulls soon after and joins an additional one team where he breaks the minor league home run record. In the end, Crash and Annie end up together.

8.) The Natural (1984) - Robert Redford plays baseball player Roy Hobbs, who at the age of 35 ultimately makes it to the major leagues despite overcoming several obstacles in his life. First his father dies suddenly after collapsing under a tree. When that tree splits in two from a lightning strike Roy carves a baseball bat out of it, on which he burns the image of a lightning bolt and labels it "Wonderboy". At the age of 19, he is on his way to try out for the Chicago Cubs when he is seduced by a woman who shoots him in the stomach, ultimately causing a setback in his playing career. When he ultimately gets his shot he is one of the best in the sport. Who could forget the climatic ending when he hits the ball and it makes the stadium lights explode as he rounds the bases. This movie was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actress (Glenn Close), Cinematography, Art Direction, and Music.

7.) Eight Men Out (1988) - This film is a dramatization of the 1919 "Black Sox" scandal, in which eight players for the Chicago White Sox conspired with gamblers to throw the 1919 World Series. It stars John Cusack, Charlie Sheen, and D.B. Sweeney as Buck Weaver, Happy Felsch, and "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, respectively. My popular scene is when the kid says to "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, "Say it 'aint so Joe."

6.) The Babe (1992) - John Goodman stars in this biopic about the best baseball player who ever lived, Babe Ruth. This movie spans his life from the age of 7 until his withdrawal in 1935. Contrary to popular beliefs, a lot of the dramatics in the movie were fabricated such as when he hit two home runs for the sick boy and at the end when he hit three home runs in a game against the Pittsburgh Pirates and abruptly ended his career. Although the film did poorly at the box-office, it was still superbly acted by John Goodman.

5.) Mr. 3000 (2004) - What a delight this movie was. It stars Bernie Mac as a reTired ball player named Stan Ross, who after being reTired for nine years comes to find out that he does not have 3,000 hits but instead has only 2,997. He then makes plans to rejoin his old team, the Milwaukee Brewers, to reclaim his glory and his rightful place in history. The best scene is at the end when he has a opportunity to get his 3,000th hit but instead chooses to bunt the ball so the quick "T-Rex" Pennebaker can score from 2nd base and put them in third place in their division. This movie also stars Angela Bassett as Bernie Mac's love interest.

4.) A League of Their Own (1992) - This movie was a huge success when it was released, production it the #1 movie by its second week, ultimately grossing 2,000,000 on a ,000,000 budget. It stars Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, and Rosie O'Donnell and revolves around the Rockford Peaches, one of the first expert woMen's baseball teams. Who could forget the excellent line uttered by Tom Hanks, "Are you crying? There's no crying! There's no crying in baseball!"

3.) The Rookie (2002) - This is the story of Jim Morris, played by Dennis Quaid, who once had a shot at the big leagues when he was younger but was not able to fulfill his dream because of arm trouble. Fifteen years after his opportunity he is a high school science instructor and baseball coach who makes a bet with his players that if they make all-district he will try out for a expert baseball team. His team does their part so he must now live up to his part of the bargain. He tries out for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and after an impressive showing where he is able to throw 98 mph on twelve right pitches he is given a shot at the majors. The movie concludes as the 35 year old rookie makes his Major League debut against the Texas Rangers, whom he strikes out the first batter he faces on three right pitches.

2.) 61* (2001) - After much consideration, I decided that this movie should be my second popular baseball movie instead of my first. It stars Barry Pepper and Thomas Jane as Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle and centers on the 1961 baseball season where they were both locked in the chase to come to be the first to break Babe Ruth's home run article of 60 home runs in a season. The story focuses in general on Roger Maris as he went through a lot of bad publicity from the fans and media because they felt that Mickey Mantle should be the one to break the record. Unfortunately for Mantle, he had to drop out of the season with 54 home runs and Maris was able to take the title on the last day of the season. On a side note, this movie was directed by avid Yankees fan, Billy Crystal.

1.) Field of Dreams (1989) - This was Kevin Costner's second baseball movie and undoubtably his best. He plays Ray Kinsella, a novice farmer from Iowa who hears a voice in his corn field say "If you build it, he will come." Upon hearing the voice, he decides he should build a baseball field in the middle of his corn field and in turn, puts him on the verge of bankruptcy. After a visit from a ball player who turns out to be "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, he decides that it is worth it and he will soon hear the voice again two more times that will take him on a journey that will ultimately lead to peace and redemption. The movie concludes with Ray and a younger version of his father having a game of catch, which as a kid, Ray had refused and never got a opportunity at reconciliation. Field of Dreams was also nominated for three Academy Awards for Best Director, Best Music, and Best traditional Score and also featured Burt Lancaster in his last film role.

So there you have it folks, my personal top 10 list of popular baseball movies. There were so many to choose from but with a lot of study and consider I am pleased with my choice and hope that you as well have been pleased with reading about them as I have been writing them. So in closing, I would like to leave you with one final question.

How many on my list are on your list?

My Top 10 beloved Baseball Movies

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Changing of the Guard: New-School Filmmakers

A growing trend of the last any award seasons has been the increasing amount of recognition for new-school filmmakers such as David Fincher, Christopher Nolan, Danny Boyle, P.T. Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, David O. Russell, Darren Aronofsky, and more. All of these guys have been directing films for at least a decade, and a few of them are approaching twenty years of service in Hollywood, so I hesitate to refer to them as "new-school," but it's assuredly something of a new era.

David Fincher's breakthrough film was 1995's "Seven", and he followed that up four years later with "Fight Club". Both films were received warmly by moviegoers and critics, but neither were nominated for any major awards. Skip ahead to 2011, and Fincher already has one Oscar nomination for his directorial work in 2008's "The sharp Case of Benjamin Button". His new film, "The communal Network", has been racking up all kinds of awards and nominations over the last month or two. To say that it's the frontrunner for best photograph at the Oscars this year would be like saying that Charlie Sheen loves hookers and coke - it's obvious.

Charlie Sheen

Directors such as Danny Boyle, Chris Nolan and Tarantino have also been enjoying mainstream success over the last few years. Boyle dominated the Oscars in 2009 with "Slumdog MillionAire", and Tarantino got a well-deserved directorial nomination for "Inglorious Basterds" last year. Chris Nolan pretty much single-handedly caused the Ampas to improve their best photograph field from five to ten films last year, as an phenoMenal amount of "The Dark Knight" supporters voiced their dissent over the film's 2009 Oscar snub. Nolan did score a Dga nomination in 2009, however.

A Changing of the Guard: New-School Filmmakers

Now that these guys have established themselves as major players in the film industry, the nominations have been arrival much less sporadically. Finding at the films of Boyle, Nolan, Fincher and Tarantino, it's clear that their tendencies toward divisive filmmaking is now more mainstream accessible. I'm pretty distinct that films such as Seven, "Fight Club" and "MeMento" would have no question receiving major nominations in this day and age.

There's also a clear disparity in the way that these newer directors are making films compared to old-school directors such as Martin Scorsese, Roman Polanski, Clint Eastwood, etc. New generations of moviegoers are just not as interested in the old-fashioned sensibilities of filmmaking. They'd prefer something more visceral, blunt and stylish. The Ampas is comprised of many older voters, so there's still going to be some favoritism going on with names such as Eastwood, Scorsese and Spielberg - and don't get me wrong, those guys are still very relevant. However, as the all the time eminent Hollywood hype machine continues to be overrun by young critics, bloggers and fanboys, a changing of the guard seems pretty distinct at this point.

So, Finding at the Dga nominations for this year (Fincher, Hooper, Aronofsky, Nolan and Russell) it's pretty sharp to see a whole lineup of fresh faces. Also sharp to point out is that all of these guys were recognized in favor of old-time favorites such as Scorsese, Polanski and Peter Weir. Granted, Scorsese's "Shutter Island" and Polanski's "The Ghost Writer" were released way earlier in the year, but both have carried a decent amount of buzz into Oscar season.

As far as the Oscars go, I see it playing out much like the Dga. I have Fincher, Nolan, Aronofsky and Hooper as virtual locks for director noms at this point. The fifth slot could very well go to David O. Russell, but I'm thinking it'll probably end up going to either Boyle or the Coens. And get used to these faces, as you'll be Finding many of them on award shows for years to come.

A Changing of the Guard: New-School Filmmakers

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Friday, September 9, 2011

The Most expensive Engagement Rings Ever Made

For most female - especially celebrities or sublime habitancy - having the right (and also expensive) engageMent ring is very prominent because they often being the center of the spotlight and they need to make impressive appearance. There's a list of top 10 most high-priced engageMent rings ever worn by sublime habitancy such as the royal family, celebrities, or socialites.

The list will go upward, from the least high-priced to the most high-priced one:

Charlie Sheen

10. The Blue Sapphire of House of Taylor. Price: ,500.

The Most expensive Engagement Rings Ever Made

This ring was used by Prince Charles to propose Lady Diana. The ring consists of 8.28 carats sapphire and 2 carats diamond.

9. 5 Carat brilliant and Ruby of House of Taylor. Price: ,600

This ring was given by Kurt Cobain to Courtney Love when they got engaged. The ring consists of 12.48 carat Burmese Rubies. Unfortunately, it got stolen in 1995, right on Valentine's Day.

8. Three Stones of Emerald and brilliant Ring of House of Taylor. Price: ,600.

This green rings consists of three stones of emerald and diamond, and also 6.84 carat Columbian emeralds and 2 carats diamond.

7. Yellow brilliant Ring of Ross Simons. Price: .995

The ring comes with rectangular shape from diamond, adorned with two other 1.35 brilliant and surrounding diamonds embellishment of 0.35 carats. The yellow color will add the unique characteristics of the ring.

6. Yellow brilliant Ring of De Beers. Price: 0,000.

Charlie Sheen, Johny Damon, and Eddie Murphy bought this ring for their engagement ring. It comes with 5.11 carat platinum cut ring.

5. Asscher Cut brilliant of De Beers. Price: 0,000.

It comes with 10.19 carat platinum used by Reese Witherspoon when she was engaged with Ryan Philipe.

4. Hidden Kiss of the Rose Ring of De Beers. Price: 5,000.

The pink design is very unique, with 4.15 carat white brilliant and 0.8 carat pink diamond.

3. Oval brilliant Ring of House of Taylor. Price: .3 million.

It comes with 3.9 carats round diamonds in flowery designs.

2. Oval brilliant Ring of Tiffany. Price: .46 million and 0.

The ring comes in two versions. The high-priced one comes with 14.79 carat brilliant and the less high-priced one comes with 12.03 carat upholstery diamond.

1. Round great Platinum of De Beers. Price: .83 million.

It's the most perfect ring with the perfect shape and color.

These engagement rings precisely cost a fortune. Is the next engagement ring of William and Kate will be included in the next list?

The Most expensive Engagement Rings Ever Made

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 and Spirituality

I wish to commune with you today for the duct of this new year. The cycle of time is something which is at the same time inexorable and beautiful. The cycle of seasons, stars, the constant changes that are shaking our lives are all small stones arranged in the path of our lives to show us our way back home, back to the divine infinite, that lost paradise that we must claim as it is our basic right to return to this state of grace.

For most of you and as for me, 2010 was a year of changes, a year with many new ideas that have sprouted and a year while which life took you off guard sometimes quite brutally. However, these rude awakening should not be condemned but rather honored. For all the changes and challenges that stand are as many opportunities to find your true self, to show the world and yourself the flame that resides in your heart.

Charlie Sheen

When I talk about spirituality, citizen often tell me that it is illogical to believe in a god that would leave many things happening in the world. Others wonder why life seems to punish them. Commonly in response I smile and sympathize. But I can assure you that there is no God who has forsaken you or has been trying to persecute you. Because all of that would presupposes the existence of a God outside of you. But God, Allah, Buddha, the Holy Spirit, the Christ consciousness that incarnated fully in this man named Jesus, the Great Spirit of Native Americans, the divine is anywhere and therefore seat at this occasion in you. This force is pure love, goodness, infinite abundance, customary beauty. It is the Alpha and the Omega, the starting and end of all things. It is the twinkling stars at night, the scent of jasmine at dawn, the laughter of a child, the love that burns in the eyes of a couple, the soar of the eagle, the song of an orca... But it is also the transformation of the body after burial, the explosion of stars, the transformation of autumn leaves that feed the young oaks in the spring...

Happy New Year 2011 and Spirituality

Traditionally, the New Year is a time when we rate the closed year and announce good intentions for the one to come. But alas at that time we often feel guilty and criticize life or God for what we experienced. It is also the time when we redrew the map of our goals and our wishes by deciding to erase the past year. Early in the new year, it is customary to wish citizen a new beginning. We wish citizen to start over and to accumulate a estimate of things which should bring the peace they so desire. I decided to break with tradition and wish you a year 2011 in my way. This will perhaps seem strange but take it as a sincere token of my love for you, that I know you personally or not.

Firstly I hope you will not forget 2010. Enjoy that year with its blessings and its challenges. They have shaped you and were many opportunities for you to grow, evolve, move transmit on your path. Our eternal souls from the firmaMent dream our lives just to make us grow and help us to return home. Take the example of a great athlete who lost a major competition. He do not forget, he learns from his failure, turn his training and then win the next competition. He does not turn his back on his past and does not drown in his misery. So look at the year 2010 with a half smile. Thank it for having led you to the shores of 2011, for it has taught you these lessons, it has supported you in your real quest. Now you can look towards the time to come with the wisdom of experience.

Finally I will wish you one thing for the arrival year. Something so high-priced that if you have it then, health, material abundance, corporeal love, all this will come naturally to you at the best time. I wish you will find the love of the divine in you. I do not mean necessarily that you will become religious because it has nothing to do with it. I am talking about looking this unconditional love in you, this star that shines brightly in the palm of your heart and which will help you to play your score in the symphony of life. Gandhi said "if a man reaches the heart of his own religion, he stands, therefore, in the heart of all the others religions" (note: it is my own translation from the French quote). For me each one's own religion is about the way each of you realize the divine and the infinite in everything, how you can become an expression of this primordial energy: unconditional love. When you see how to embrace the divine in all then you find God, then you meet with your true self and you open your eyes to your place in the universe. When you fall in love with the world, you fall in love with yourself and you begin the most gorgeous of the romances: the one with Creation. Therefore all you will need to be in fact happy will appear on the path you dance.

Finally, I would quote the Psalms 103.1 and 103.2 of David: "Praise the Lord, my soul! All that is within me, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and never forget all the good he has done". For this year 2011, I wish you awaken to the Lord in you, that is to say, the divine being you are. That all in you and in your life celebrate and sing your awakening.

Happy New Year 2011.

Happy New Year 2011 and Spirituality

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