Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Friday, March 30, 2012

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

Your resume must be great than anything your competitors have to offer if you are going to get an interview. A well-written resume generates phone calls. Those phone calls are from prospective employers who want to interview you for a Job. If you are not getting phone calls and you are sending out resumes, then you need to take a closer look at your resume.

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

The Purpose of a Resume:  To Win an Interview

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

Any resume can list employMent dates and Job position titles, but only the best resumes speak the language employers want to hear.

The Languange Of Results

If you just list the Job duties you performed and hope the prospective employer makes the leap that you are a good employee, you are probably going to be in for a big surprise. You see, they don't have time to read your Job responsibilities and then ponder how you managed to accomplish all that you did. Hiring managers naturally do not have that kind of time. They are scanning a resume for the words that show results.

Make It Easy For Employers.

You have to show them that you are a cut above the rest of the crowd by providing concrete examples of your successes. Do the reasoning for the employer and give them what they are seeing for.

First, use action-oriented keywords that reflect your capability to solve problems, take initiative, are performance-driven and goal-based.

Second, quantify your stateMents with numbers that define your desire to work on the lowest line. Give examples of how you saved the enterprise money or time (relates to money) or how you earned money for the company. Numbers have meaning and are easy to latch on to. Employers love to read quantifiable stateMents (that are truthful) as it paints a photo that Shows what you fulfilled, rather than the dubious joy of your words telling them what you did.

Resumes can work For you or they can work Against you. When you list the data employers want to see, then you will have a great deal of success. You will be one of the ones to get a coveted phone call for an interview. If you don't take the time to get ready a resume in a way that grabs a hiring manager's attention, it is as a matter of fact working against you.

Take the time to write an excellent resume. It may take a minute longer to think of the right words to use, but in the end, when you are enjoying the benefits of an excellent career, you will be So Glad you did.

Best of Luck!

Carla Vaughan

The Purpose of a Resume: To Win an Interview

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Person by person, brick by brick a Cathedral emerges in an epic drama coming to Channel 4, Uk this Autumn

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

On the night of 14 November 1940, the city of Coventry burned as Luftwaffe bombs and incendiary devices rained down. The next morning, Coventry Cathedral lay in smoking ruins. The decision to re-build the Cathedral was taken immediately by the Provost Dick Howard, as a sign of hope for the city and for the time to come of a ravaged world.

While sifting through the rubble, Jock Forbes, the Cathedral's stonemason, found that two of the charred medieval roof timbers had fallen in the shape of a cross. He set them up in the ruins, much as a distinctive metal cross was set up at Ground Zero after the collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001. This charred cross was later placed on an altar of the rubble of Coventry Cathedral with the appealing words 'Father Forgive' inscribed on the Sanctuary wall.

Cathedrals are places where stories collide. Places where thousands of population who would not commonly meet can come together. They may be tourists or worshippers, professionals or rogues, lovers or haters but they all come.

Within the walls of any Cathedral you will find these stories, often ancient, often painful inscribed on the walls and floors. Memories of knights, soldiers, wives and children. Tombs of priests, saints and kings. Lives well lived and lives lost. At St Paul's Cathedral in London alone, you will find memorials to a dazzling array of paramount British figures including Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Horatio Nelson, The Duke of Wellington and Florence Nightingale. In recent years, an estimated 2.5 billion population Watched the wedding of Prince Charles to the Lady Diana Spencer played out at St Paul's Cathedral.

Cathedrals hold our history in all its beauty and terror, preserved sometimes in the occasion as wars raged. The most paramount medieval Cathedrals were built in the middle of about 1000 and 1600 Ad in England, France, Italy, Spain and Germany. So why were they built and what of the population who built them? Best selling author Ken Follett, who wrote the permanently favorite novel 'The Pillars of the Earth' about the building of a cathedral, sums up the paradox of these great buildings;

'The building of the medieval cathedrals is an spectacular, European phenoMenon. The builders had no power tools, they did not understand the mathematics of structural engineering, and they were poor: the richest of princes did not live as well as, say, a prisoner in a modern jail. Yet they put up the most gorgeous buildings that have ever existed, and they built them so well that they are still here, hundreds of years later, for us to study and marvel at.'

From as early as Ad 604, Cathedrals were a key part of the daily convention of Christian life in Europe. Life was paramount and mourned here, from baptism to communion, to marriage to death. population came to talk to their Priests and whilst Bishops, Lords and Kings came to speak to their people.

The cost of building a Cathedral was vast, both in terms of money and human endeavour. This is why they are principally found in towns and cities where money congregated, such as Canterbury and York, Lincoln, Worcester and Chichester.

Building might take hundreds of years and would hire the skills of a estimate of specialist craftsMen, woMen and labourers. To build a Cathedral you would need a good architect plus quarry men, stone carvers, carpenters, a specialist mason, a specialist stone cutter, a stone Dresser, a black smith, plumbers, a roofer, mortar makers, a glazier or glass maker, a stained glass craftsman, sculptors and other labourers. Families would hand their work on the task to their sons and daughters until the Job was done. through rain and Snow, despite war, famine and plague, from sunrise to sunset they worked with one mission - to build on.

Everyday population were remembered in the building, names carved into walls and onto plaques or tablets of stone. Gargoyles were sometimes made in the image of a bishop or a worker. Stained glass windows, statues, and painting told Bible stories for those who couldn't read.

Person by person, inch by inch, brick by brick a Cathedral emerges. So many stories under one roof, no wonder that one day these stories would be told. Ken Follett, the novelist who took up the challenge was already well established as a writer of thrillers like the best selling Eye of the Needle published in 1978. He describes what gave him the idea to write his Cathedral epic;

'The stones themselves describe the building history: stops and starts, damage and reconstruction, extensions in times of prosperity, and stained-glass tributes to the wealthy men who commonly paid the bills. Other story is told by the way the church is sited in the town. Lincoln faces over the road to the castle, religious and soldiery power nose to nose. Winchester has a neat grid of streets, laid out by a medieval bishop who fancied himself a town planner. Salisbury moved, in the thirteenth century, from a defensive hilltop site - where the ruins of the old cathedral are still graphic - to an open meadow, showing that permanent peace had arrived.'

Naturally his publishers were nervous and in a way, Follett's journey to bring his novel about required as much dedication as the cathedral builders needed. His epic novel 'The Pillars of the Earth' was written over a span of 13 years. Follett remembers his first attempt, when he realised exactly what he had taken on;

'Looking back, I can see that at the age of twenty-seven I was not capable of writing such a novel. I was like an apprentice watercolour painter planning a vast canvas in oils. To do justice to its subject, the book would have to be very long, cover a period of some decades and bring alive the great sweep of medieval Europe. I was writing much less ambitious books, and even so I had not yet mastered the craft.'

The Pillars of the Earth was ultimately published in 1989 and has been a hit ever since. The novel has made numerous appearances on best distributor lists nearby the world including 80 in Germany.

The Pillars of the Earth is a majestic novel. Follett throws the reader abruptly into the cold, damp, difficult lives of a central character, Tom Builder, as he tries to keep starvation from the door of his family. Although penniless, Tom harbours a life long dream to put his talent for building to work on the most ambitious task ready to a man of his time; the building of a Cathedral in Kingsbridge, Follett's fictional town set in a gorgeous angle of South West England.

So has this book captured the imagination of population nearby the world that filming of an ambitious million eight hour television adaptation 'The Pillars of the Earth' is now complete. This compelling series was produced by a vast array of veteran administrative producing talent including, three-time Oscar® nominee Ridley Scott (Robin Hood, Gladiator, American Gangster), Tony Scott (The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, Top Gun, Spy Game) and David W. Zucker (The Good Wife) along with long term German production partner Tandem Productions. Well loved British actor Ian McShane, no strange to sinister roles, plays the villain of the piece. The story has a wealth of intriguing, heroic and duplicitous characters for the cast of well loved actors including Donald Sutherland, Matthew Macfadyen and Sarah Parish to get their teeth into.

The mini series will premier in the United States in July and is slated to appear in the Uk on Channel 4 this Autumn. Tim Highsted, Programme Acquisition Director of Channel 4 says, "We are delighted to premiere The Pillars of the Earth on Channel 4. Epic in scale and ambitious in its storytelling, this miniseries is sure to spellbind viewers and is the exquisite addition to our acquired programmes."

So for those of you who like to step surface of our hurried world for a while, why not visit one of Europe's many historic local Churches, Abbeys or Cathedrals? Take some well-earned time out to gawk the stories they keep and to remember the grit, estimation and courage of those who built them.

And when the days draw in and you are ready for a good story on Tv to whisk you away to Other time, Other place - The Pillars of the Earth maybe just the thing to while away hours.

Amazing Cathedral Facts

Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, England took nearby 365 years to build. St. Thomas Becket was murdered in the north-east transept on Tuesday 29 December 1170 by knights of King Henry Ii.

Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany took 600 years to build. The cathedral suffered seventy hits by aerial bombs while World War Ii but did not collapse.

Notre Dame, Paris, France was built in 182 years. On 24 April 1558 Mary, Queen of Scots was married to the Dauphin François (later François Ii of France) in an construe ceremony at the Cathedral.

St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy was built in the middle of 1506 and 1626. The Basilica has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world, holding 60,000 people.

Work on the Washington National Cathedral, Washington, Usa was started in 1907, fulfilled, in 1990. favorite Tv series 'The West Wing' starring Martin Sheen filmed the second season finale 'Two Cathedrals' here.

Kingsbridge Cathedral - Where Stories Collide

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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

Not surprisingly, there are a lot of brothers and sisters in Hollywood as the acting bug tends to spread among families. Which movie stars of today have a brother or sister, or even any in the same business? Have they ever shared the big screen together? Here are a few answers that possibly you didn't expect...

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

Patricia Arquette has 3 siblings in the acting biz: Rosanna, Richmond, David and Alexis, a transsexual born Robert. David and Rosanna have solid film careers. I could not find any films where any of them shared the sTAGe, but if it's any consolation, David directed an chapter of Medium, the Tv show where Patricia is the star. Rosanna guest starred on the show in 2008, as did Richmond in 2006.

John Cusack has two older sisters in the business: Joan, an acclaimed actor you've seen in supporting roles in countless movies, two of which saw her nominated for Oscars, and Ann, who's virtually unknown. All three siblings were part of the cast of the hit comedy, Grosse Pointe Blank (1997). Joan and John have worked together on any other movies as well.

Owen Wilson, the beloved comedy star has two brothers who also act, Luke and Andrew. Andrew has only been featured in four movies, while Luke is practically as famous as Owen. Luke and Owen appeared in the 2001 comedy The Royal Tennenbaums.

Alec Baldwin: This top Hollywood actor has three microscopic brothers, Billy, Stephen and Daniel, all actors. While Alec is one of the top Hollywood actors, none of his brothers have achieved star status. None of them has ever worked together on a movie although Alec had hatched a film script for all four to act together, which to date hasn't materialized.

Matt Dillon, the 46 year old star of such critically acclaimed movies as Crash (2005), has a younger brother, actor Kevin, who's been cast in about 29 films, mostly in secondary roles. Kevin and Matt have never appeared together in a movie.

Ralph Fiennes, the highly respected British actor, Oscar nominated for his roles in Schindler's List (1993) as well as The English Patient (1996), has an also famous younger brother, Joseph. Joseph was also nominated for the Oscar for two of his roles, along with the lead in Shakespeare in Love (1998). The brothers have never shared a film set.

Julia Roberts, the Academy Award-winning American actor has an older brother Eric., who's been on the cast of over 110 films, most of them forgettable. Julia had a small role in Blood Red (1987), in which Eric had a lead role.

Ben Affleck, the "A" list star, has a younger brother, Casey, a well regarded actor you've seen in the Ocean's Eleven (2001) movie and its two sequels. Both brothers acted in the Oscar-winning Good Will Hunting (1997).

Sean Penn had a younger brother, Chris, who died in 2006 at age 40. Chris was cast in 46 movies, along with the critically acclaimed The Funeral (1996), and acted alongside Sean for At Close Range in 1986.

Charlie Sheen: The star of Platoon (1986) and Wall Street (1987) has an older brother, Emilio Estevez, the actor/director who most know for his role in the teen angst mega-hit, The morning meal Club (1984). Emilio and Charlie co-starred in Young Guns (1988) and Men at Work (1990). Charlie's real name is Carlos Estevez, in case you're wondering! Their father is actor Martin Sheen (Ramon Estevez), and two of their other siblings, Renee and Ramon Jr are also actors, but are not well known.

Jake Gyllenhaal, the top rated star, has an older sister, Maggie,. Maggie is a rising star in her own right, although mostly cast in supporting roles. Both were on-screen siblings for the indie film Donny Danko in 2001.

Jeff Bridges, the 2010 Oscar winner has an older brother Beau, who acted in over 90 films. The brothers co-starred in the necessary success The fabulous Baker Boys in 1989. Their father is the late Lloyd Bridges.

Jane Fonda, the veteran star is older sister to Peter, the actor who made his name with the 60's cult hit Easy Rider. They didn't appear together in any film despite both having very long careers. Their father is the late Henry Fonda.

Elisabeth Shue, the blond actress who shot to fame as the star of Adventures in Babysitting, has a kid brother, Andrew, better known for his role on Melrose Place, the primary Tv show that Aired while the 90's. They both appeared in Gracie (2007), which Andrew also produced.

Michael Madsen, the character actor who has practically 100 film credits, has a younger sister, actor Virginia. They both appeared in Being Michael Madsen, a microscopic known 2008 mockuMentary.

Dennis Quaid is the younger brother of Randy, who garnered an Oscar nomination for The Last detail (1973). Mostly cast in supporting roles, Randy shared cast due with Dennis for The Long Riders (1980).

Mark Wahlberg has an older brother, Donnie, with whom he's continuously confused. Both first rose to fame as part of the boy band New Kids on the Block in the 80's and 90's before turning to acting. Donnie has never co-starred with his brother in any movie.

Jennifer Tilly, the squeaky voiced femme fatale from Woody Allen's comedy Bullets Over Broadway (1994), has a younger sister, Meg, who was of course the bigger star but stopped acting after 1995. Note that their real surname is Chan, as their father was of Chinese descent. They never co-starred in any film.

Jason Bateman, the character actor you've seen in so many films in up-to-date years, along with the hit comedy Juno (2007), is the younger brother of Justine Bateman, who's best remembered for her role in the hugely successful 80's Tv show, family Ties. Justine co-starred with Jason in Arrested DevelopMent, a Tv series.

Let's not forget two superstar siblings: Veteran actors Shirley MacLaine and younger half-brother Warren Beatty. Both were born Beaty (one t) and never shared film credits.

The Not So renowned Brothers and Sisters of Hollywood Stars

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

How To Value Collectible Coins

How To Value Collectible Coins

Coins have been all the time been a part of our country's history. Leading habitancy are featured on them. A convert of governMent is sometimes accompanied by a convert of currency. The look and feel of these coins reflects the advanceMents in technology as scientists find more complex metal combinations.

How To Value Collectible Coins

How To Value Collectible Coins

How To Value Collectible Coins

How To Value Collectible Coins

How To Value Collectible Coins

Coins' being of historical value is one of the many factors why habitancy derive them. Beauty and range also conduce to the collector's growing numbers.

To be a collector, you must be aware of how to ascertain the worth of your coins. Who knows, you might just be retention on to a very rare artifact, or one that would cost millions on an auction or bidding.

First step in being a coin accumulator is to look up literature. You need to be in the know of what coins are available out there, where to get them and how to get them. This is very necessary to one who'd see the coins as a form of investMent.

You also need to resolve four things before you take a coin to your collection. You need to identify them, have them authenticated and witness them for damage. This would be vital points to think in range coins.

To identify them, you need to look at your coins very wholly and note the shape, the colors, and the writings. You also need to verify which country issued that coin. If there is no denomination on the face of the coins, it's just a token or probably a medal.

Authentic coins should be treasured and prized. They're hard to find, especially if they are rare, little issues. A lot of fakes and counterfeit coins are available in the market, so beware!

The value of your coin will depend upon its grade. Coin catalogs normally have their own, exact grading guidelines but here's a general list of them.

* Mint State exquisite Uncirculated (Ms-70) is an uncirculated coin. It should show no apparent damage and be in top shape. It is thought about to be the best potential of coin possible.

* Uncirculated (Ms-60) is other uncirculated coin having a few scratches on touch marks and that have lost some of its sheen.

* About Uncirculated (Au-50) is a coin which has evidence of light wear on most parts but still retains at least half of its original sheen.

* very Fine (Ef-40) is coin wherein the coin invent is lightly worn off but the features can be still considerable and are still quite sharp.

* Very Fine (Vf-20) is other coin wherein some of fine details like hAir or eyebrows are mostly worn off. There is evidence of modest wear on some points of the invent but all major parts are still clearly etched.

* Very Good (Vg-8) is a coin wherein even though the rim is still clearly visible, the invent is practically worn off and only few details of it are clear.

* Good (G-4) are coins that are heavily worn but the invent and the legend are still visible. Much of the details are gone.

* About Good (Ag-3) are coins that are very heavily worn that some of the lettering and the original invent are not discernible anymore.

Damaged coins come over often in the procedure of a collector's quest. Most collectors steer off coins that have undergone cleaning or re-polishing. Corroded, scratched and drilled into coins are also a big turn off. Although it's sometimes hard to find one, it's better to find an untampered speciMen.

The quiz, on most beginners' minds is this: How much do I get paid for a singular coin. The reply is: It varies everywhere. It depends on the qualities of the coin as well as the guide the buyer is using. For a general idea of pricing, here's a quick list.

1. U.S. Wheat cents (1958 and earlier) that were in circulation goes for a few cents to 3 Dollars each.

2. 1943 "steel pennies are very uncommon and of high value 1943 cents set on a general bronze planchet. They are tested to resolve if it attracts magnets and if so, it is plated using copper. They are sold for 5 to 50 cents if circulated, and up to a Dollar or two if not in circulation.

3. Silver dimes, quarter and half dollars from 1964 or earlier are composed of practically 90% silver. So their amount depends on their silver content.

4. Silver dollars from 1935 and up are accumulator favorites and can be normally be sold for more than their value in silver . The less base the date, the higher the pricing goes.

5. Susan B. Anthony dollars are worth about one dollar.

6. Bicentennial quarters, half and dollars are normally worth what's on their face value.

7. Coins in commemoration of the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana are spotted to cost from to .

8. A coin with two heads, tails or those that have different designs of two coins have no value to collectors because they are coins that have been convert to introduce a novelty item.

There are also the kinds of coins that are made by mistake. These are called 'mules' and are often produced because of an error in pAiring different dies. Expect rare coins like these to cost a little higher than most.

So with these things in mind, have fun in manufacture your own range grow. Who knows what part of history you'll witness by finding rare specimens.

How To Value Collectible Coins

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