Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen - A Multifarious Star

Charlie Sheen - A Multifarious Star

Undoubtedly acting is an art; which can be polished by learning; but cannot be acquired like anything. Hollywood is like a magical box full of genuine and surreal actors; and Charlie Sheen is the real one. One must possess acting germs to be a good actor. Charlie Sheen is born with innate acting talent being a son of an actor and an artist Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton respectively. Sports and girls are very usual interests of the school boys; but Sheen revealed his inborn flAir by manufacture many petition picture films with the help of his classmates; which laid the starting of his career.

It doesn't mean that he had no interest in sports. Along with the acting talent; he was a good player of the baseball team. His acting career formally started at the age of nine with his small role in the television movie:"The execution of inexpressive Slovik"; after which, he decorated the screen by his illustrious characters; like, Dick Brewer in 'Young Guns', as a deputy mayor of new York in the Spin City; and the most recent as a Charles Francis in 'Two & a Half Men'. Moreover, his aficionados are finding send to his Computer thoughprovoking film "Foodfight"; which isn't released yet.

EntertainMent or amuseMent is not a particular shade of an actor. A good actor should also be a high-quality logician and a critic of governMent policies; and Sheen holds both. By demanding Obama to reopen 9/11 investigation; he didn't only show his deep vision; but also proved that American nation is still alive. Pointing shape to one's father's crime is the height of impartiality; and Sheen by accusing the management of the former President Bush for backing up 9/11 attacks did so. A nation dies when she makes varying yardsticks for the justice; because humanity and justice cannot be replicated. Alex Carey beautifully says: "Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly identify the voice of their own conscience normally identify also the voice of justice."

In short, acting is all about truthfulness; and Charlie Sheen is justifying it with integrity and responsibility.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Music Feeds Our collective Mood

How Music Feeds Our collective Mood

When we are awake and alert, we have a predominance of beta rhythms within our neural patterns. Imagine a busy work day with a tiny adrenaline rush.

When we spend in brain wave entrainMent (Bwe) programs, it's normally for purposes of relaxation. We spend in alpha and theta rhythm programs to help with stress relief and relaxation. We spend in delta rhythm programs to help with pain relief and sleep. There are all kinds of entrainMent programs for other purposes too like studying good habits.

Consider this: We are conditioned into safe bet habits and impulses when we are awake and alert. Customary examples might be traumatic experiences from our childhoods like emotional abuse or a terrible accident. The consequence is an invisible barricade of fear settled within the mind that can enlarge into all sorts of adult idiosyncrasies; these psychosocial indiscretions are difficult to counter.

On the other end of the spectrum, we push straight through situations that give us confidence. We all the time test ourselves to gain confidence in our abilities. One of the greatest tests is to find true love and happiness. First, we must have the courage to share true love and happiness with others. Imagine doing a collective performance, salvage a life, or giving a distraught man a calculate for living.

Whether gaining fear or confidence, we do it under ultimate conditions: Our hearts are pounding in our ears. We break into cold sweats. Adrenaline gushes hot straight through our veins as if in a life or death struggle. Our brainwaves shoot into gamma rhythms, sometimes beyond, in moments of intense stress. All things relative, people who have faced the same test 1000 times are as peaceful as can be, but their lives are at a stand still.

We can meditate on a situation. Play it in our heads again and again until we get it right, but our waking state must deal with that tense situation in real time with all the unknown factors and intricacies.

Fortunately, our subconscious and super known are there to guide our intuition and gut instincts. Unfortunately, we are not all the time raised with good, productive intuition. Sometimes, we're not nurtured with life safe bet intentions, so our "knee jerk" reactions don't all the time serve us or those colse to us.

How Our "Knee Jerk" Reactions Fail Us
In general, we tend to avoid tense situations, not because we know what might happen, but because we don't know how to deal with adversity. What are we supposed to do when we are "nurtured" into avoiding bad situations? Our emotional securities end up telling us, "don't rock the boat, that's too dangerous."

Avoiding the unknown becomes habit forming. Avoiding the "unknowns" is an idiosyncrasy caused by barriers of fear within the mind. Most people reach a point in their lives where they no longer wish to test their true metal because of fear.

At this point some people might assume that I want you to place yourself in unnecessary peril. No, that's not what I want. We place ourselves in peril by not questioning potential evils and dangers in contemporary society, thereby avoiding unknowns. I ask that people educate themselves to put themselves in significant peril.

In decadent society, mainstream media justifies and feeds our human frailties along with fear. Politicians and the media consistently raise fears of maniacs, terrorist plots, economic depravities, and threat of disease. Then they point their fingers at corruption in other countries while avoiding our own. Meanwhile, someone else spotlight is on Charlie Sheen. Is mainstream media helping him to interpret his corruption and that of others?

Decadent community is only concerned in our lower level reasoning. Mainstream marketers aim at our limbic theory (id) which is instinctive, older than language, yet Faster than thinking; it controls trust, attention and desire. Mainstream marketers depend on our lower level thinking to "make the sale." For this reason, the mainstream sells its contents like processed sweets for our instant gratification.

Mainstream music is produced with the same intention. For example, country music and gothic rock tends to resonate with depression which is based in fear. "Mature" rap and thrash metal justifies anger and vengeance within its audience. Most pop music and their artists like Katy Perry are packaged as processed sweets for our instant gratification.

How Music Feeds Our Minds
I've mentioned freedom programs using Bwe. For example, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson produces relaxing piano music with fundamental entrainment, but it lacks intention. In general, most Bwe programs:

Do not induce emotional intentions in listeners the way mainstream media does; Only adjust our brain wave patterns without feeding any part of our emotional minds.

In direct contrast, music:

Induces emotional intentions in listeners by feeding id, ego, and super ego; Adjusts our brain wave patterns while feeding our emotional minds.

According to the newest neuropsychology research, music containing brain wave entrainment (Bwe) technology and impactful emotional content is more efficacious than Bwe alone. Scholastic neuropsychology does not treat people as spiritual beings who require emotional impact.

Ironically, mainstream media along with the music commerce hires neuropsychology experts to help them make an emotional impact on their audience - and it works. The music commerce connects with people at the emotional level. If you've ever Watched American Idol, the judges like to tell contestants to "connect" with their audience, so they become marketable products.

Amid the musical genres, uplifting music feeds us in a good way. The problem is most people are attracted to music that resonates only with their id and ego. Preston Nichols in "The Music of Time" says that rock n' roll has been engineered for decades to petition to the id, our lower level mind patterns. Agreeing to my studies, I tend to agree.

For this reason, we also have upbeat music that feeds us in a good way. Can music that resonates with lower level mind patterns induce good intentions? Yes, as long as it also resonates with ethics, higher level mind or super ego we have balance.

Music that induces life-positive, productive intentions is not in big demand, but it exists for the few of us who crave it; for example, gospel rock, soul and some new age music resonates with our super egos, our higher level reasoning, morals and ethics because they induce good intentions.

We are attracted to that which justifies or feeds our personalities. Our favorite music normally does that, but most people only want to feed their human frailties. At times, I also have a guilty pleasures for emo-rock, probably because of Amy Lee. Sometimes, we have to face those frailties to move past them.

Nature vs. Nurture
A myriad of research on the human mind took my interest as I discovered a golden thread running straight through all of the music and Bwe tools that resonate with us most: We love nature. We love the way it stimulates our senses.

Imagine yourself under an apple tree: All the branches are slightly different, but they're mostly the same patterns. We can look beyond one layer and see the same pattern in the next layer, then the next; this is fractal geometry. We are attracted to nature because it reflects natural order within our minds - which are reflections of nature.

The same applies to weather phenomena. Although storms consist mostly of white noise, there are also textures and rhythms which form Customary patterns. Storms also contain choruses like wind and cadences like thunder, the same type of patterns we expect to hear in music.

Reflections of Our Minds
The music we love resonates with the fractal patterns within our minds. For this reason, younger people tend to listen to heavier, upbeat patterns like beta rhythms while older people who want to relax tend to listen to softer patterns like alpha rhythms.

More leading than the music are the concepts and intentions within that music. For example, death metal reflects a subculture of dark mind patterns obsessed with dark, life-negative concepts. The neural patterns related with these concepts naturally resonate with dark mind patterns.

On the other hand, waking rhythms are also applied by artists like Sarah Brightman, Enya, and Yanni. The music they make reflects their mind patterns with enlightened, life-positive intentions.

Rhythms are resonant carriers for all of these concepts and intentions which also reflect our mind patterns.

We remember "catchy" lyrics of a song as a mantra that we sing in our heads ad infinitum because the rhythm and the conception reflects our emotions. We have an intrinsic emotional order for songs in the same way we have an intrinsic geometric order for trees or clouds.

In some way, they match our mind patterns like pieces in a puzzle. For this reason, we remember songs with the greatest emotional triggers, no matter how old we get.

Intentions within a song are like the music carried on radio waves: When we tune into those waves, we tune into the music. When we tune into the music, we tune into the intentions. Good or bad, these intentions look after us to reflect who we are.

Let's do ourselves a favor by feeding our minds once in a while with good intentions; it's a balanced diet for the soul.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession By Kate Genovese

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession By Kate Genovese

Two Weeks Since My Last Confession is a novel by Kate Genovese. It is a house saga, featuring the O'Briens from Boston, Massachusetts. On the face of things, the O'Briens are an upstanding pillar of the community. John O'Brien is a politician, a senator no less, and a respected and long term incumbent to boot. Marie, Mrs. O'Brien, is a devout Catholic with five children. She is determined that they should be raised in such a way that ensures they create values and respect rules. She fails.

The story centres on two siblings of the O'Brien household, and sets their stories in parallel, spanning three decades up to the 1980s. Molly and Sean are separated by any years, Sean being the older. Molly is the more impetuous of the two, Sean, in his own way, the less predictable. Things at home turn very sour undoubtedly when Molly claims she is sexually abused by her brother. She complains to her mother, who blames her daughter for raising such ideas in the hothouse of her over-active imagination. She tells her father, who seems to be equally dismissive, being always more interested in the preservation of his own privilege and social face. It is only a long time later that she learns her father did, indeed, speak to Sean. They are words that the boy resents, for he has no recollection of having done anything.

Essentially, Two Weeks Since My Last Confession deals with the on-going consequences of these reactions which, at the time, were generated for merely rational reasons, their intended consequences designed to heal rather than harm. Events are described from the personel perspectives of the two children, Molly and Sean.

On the covering a devout Roman Catholic nuclear group, the O'Briens in reality are shot through with tension, hypocrisy, deceit and, indeed, corruption. They are perhaps a fAirly appropriate house beneath the sheen of respect. When the lad misbehaves, his senator father pulls strings so that nothing will come of the issue and, importantly, there will be no article kept. The senator, himself, is a rampant womanizer and two timer, his clearly unhappy wife thus trapped in a marriage her religion would never witness ending. Sean gets up to some pretty naughty things before, while and after his tour of duty in Vietnam, but the palpate of war does turn him, so that his life is transformed. As he matures, he begins to understand and come to terms with the origin of the psychological demons that have haunted him since boyhood.

But it is Molly, more formally Maureen Bridget whenever her mother scolds her, who provides the centrepiece of the story. Her life is a tale of deterioration, a personal tragedy that affects all colse to her.

In Bobby Angelo, she finds a exquisite boyfriend at an age when she is just too young to convince others her feelings are sincere. She develops an early, rich, sexual relationship with Bobby, who seems to be a likable boy of Italian descent. He is convinced he is destined for stardom as a baseball player and somehow it just doesn't work out with Molly.

In fact, it undoubtedly worked out a slight too well with Molly, but he is ignorant of this when he goes off to college. Molly is thus prevented from attending college herself and she takes up a work in health care. She has already smoked dope, as have most of her peers, and she has tried a few other things. Her pro activities facilitate her passage to drugs, of course, and she begins to try something different, and then a slight more, and a slight more still. And so she drifts into a destitution of addiction. But it is a state that allows her to continue a semblance of a normal life for many years.

The book describes the history of the whole family, however, in order to fill out details of the two valuable characters' lives. There are marriages and births - sometimes in that order, some more marriages, plentifulness of divorces, more births, domestic abuse, success, wealth, failure. There are breakdowns, rehab centres, a Vietnam War and pop culture. And so the characters inhabit a confused two decades to emerge older, wiser perhaps, more stable perhaps, undoubtedly awaiting what life will throw at them next.

Ultimately, the book is an test of abuse and its consequences, both direct and incidental. The childhood traumas that centred on Molly and Sean resurface, examine attention, usually reassert their control of lives. They have been denied. They will not go away. And again ultimately the book has a message of hope, as the skeletons in the cupboard are ultimately brought out into daylight and undoubtedly buried.

Life can be a messy process, with events becoming confused, subconsciously rejected or unacknowledged. But things do catch up with you in the end. The mistakes are truly easy to make, but unpicking their consequences can be an intricate, delicate and lengthy task.

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