Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Neutralize the Noise

Is your life full of distractions? Are you getting news alerts, and are your apps constantly bothering you with so-called leading data throughout the day? Do you indeed care who Hugh Hefner's new girlfriend is (I don't know maybe you do, but do you need to know right this minute), or who Charlie Sheen was seen with last? What I'm asking you is are you getting bombarded with noise, that is to say irrelevant data advent at you 24-7. Have you gotten so used to it that you are checking your e-mails, text messages, and finding at your phone every 5 to 10 minutes.

The other day, I was sitting on the patio at Starbucks, and I noted a girl who walked up, and she was waiting for her friend to park her car, so she got on her iPhone, and checked her messages, her tweets, her e-mail, and her friend parked the car, walked up, and waited for her to finish. When she realized her friend was waiting, she said she was sorry and asked if her friend knew the newest news about some movie star. And then they went into a Fast paced nonsensical dialogue which reminded me of Al Yankovic's "Valley Girl" routine, seriously, I was almost rolling on the floor listening to all this.

Charlie Sheen

Of course, it all amounted to nothing more than a bunch of noise, irrelevant data to life on earth, and yet they were so into it, they almost made it sound as if it was important. Now then, I have a point in all this, and it is this; if you are complaining that you don't have adequate time in the day to get all things done, and that your life is too stressful, maybe you need to neutralize noise in your life, ditch some of these apps that you never use, forget about checking your e-mails every 5 minutes, and then reconsider what's important.

Neutralize the Noise

Look, you can't achieve your goals, or achieve great things if you are constantly distracted. Even if you aren't Adhd or bipolar - you will be soon if you continue to allow that personal tech device to run your life. In fact, there was a up-to-date study that said that folks who were borderline bipolar or Adhd had no opportunity whatsoever in the future with all these new personal high-tech gadgets. Before, there may have been a chance, now there's no opportunity for these folks.

So even if you are perfectly normal, you are going to become a borderline case if you don't bring your life into reality. And if you already possess borderline tendencies in your personality, then you need to do something quick before it's too late. indeed I hope you will please reconsider all this and neutralize the noise as soon as possible.

Neutralize the Noise

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys: Tales of Mischief in Tom Sawyer and Lord of the Flies

Everyone loves a good bad boy. Our media-driven community is obsessed with them, those rebels without causes, those paragons of the uber-masculine and virile. Think Charlie Sheen, George Clooney or Russell Crowe. They challenge community with a sly, charismatic smile. We're drawn to them. In recovery drama (late 1600s England), they would be called lovable rogues or rakes, good old troublemakers with the power to charm. Today, the appeal of the bad boy comes from the tempting possibility for danger, adventure and intrigue. Especially if they have the standard bad boy garb like rolled-up T-shirts or tight blue jeans like Patrick Swayze in The Outsiders. Swoon.

But the term "bad boys" is a misnomer. George Clooney and Russell Crowe, though playfully deviant in their own ways, are not boys; they are Men. Naturally, "bad boys" sounds less Menacing than "bad Men," but superior literature is full of literal bad boys who are surely young sufficient to be called boys. Reading about their mischief and exploits is as entertaining-if not more so-than reading the latest gossip magazine.

Charlie Sheen

The quintessential bad boy is Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer The rambunctious twelve-year-old orphan not only has a way with the itsybitsy ladies-gallantly taking a punishing beating for a cutie name Becky-but he knows how to get what he wants. He's mostly remembered for his sly manipulation of the neighborhood kids, convincing them that whitewashing a huge fence is surely an exclusive and challenging way to spend your youth-so much so that it's worth a pretty penny to do so. He also thwarts a murderer, finds golden treasure and has the unique opportunity to go to his own funeral. We can only imagine what kind of life this tween will have once he hits puberty. In fact, Twain, a sort of bad boy of wit himself, is said to have based Tom Sawyer's antics on his own childhood. Perhaps adventurous, conniving bad boys grow up to be predominant authors of wit and humor.

Boys Will Be Boys: Tales of Mischief in Tom Sawyer and Lord of the Flies

Of course, not all bad boys have a sweet, charming side. Some bad boys are just plain old bad, and it takes the absence of adult management to bring it out. Enter William Lord of the Flies, a novel about a group of British boys marooned on an island following a plane crash that killed all the adults. The boys are left to their own devices for survival, spiraling into factions and behaving like a bunch of armed savage tweens all hopped up on sugar and pig murder. Reading this novel about humanity's possible capacity for evil and destruction is surely not the romp-filled joy ride that Tom Sawyer is. These bad boys kill their peers if they don't like them! It is more likely that they will end up in teenage detention facility before they swindle the neighborhood kids in a home beautification project. But therein lies the dichotomy of the "bad boy" convention. You've got the good bad and the bad bad, the George Clooneys and the Charlie Sheens, the Tom Sawyers and the British bunch of barbarians. They are both compelling to Watch, even if it is a frightening train wreck at times.

Boys Will Be Boys: Tales of Mischief in Tom Sawyer and Lord of the Flies

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Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

There are no limits to drug addictions and the problem never picks who it is going to affect. Because of the globalized world the celebrity lifestyle is more known and there is a lot more pressure on these individuals who often revert to drugs. Of course its nothing new to hear that an additional one celebrity is going to rehab to try and get over the addiction that they are suffering from. Its just a general part of the Hollywood lifestyle.

Of course we have all heard about the big name celebrities such as Whitney Houston, Keith Urban, Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey among many many others who have gone through drug recovery for the drug problems that they face. Of course the list is a lot, and I mean a lot bigger that that. The examine is why are so many celebrities resorting to the life of drug addiction?

Charlie Sheen

Just like the general population out there who suffer from the stresses of life, celebrities suffer from problems different to those of the midpoint person. They of course have to deal with problems that are much bigger than that of an midpoint person. They along with general stresses of everyday life have to deal with newspapers, managers, critics, media, and not to Mention that every single thing that they say is recorded down.

Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

In the world of the rich and predominant the celebrities face a lot of insecurities. When these celebrities try to find a way out from these insecurities a way out for all the problems that they face, they often resort to drugs as a solution. Of course this is not along with the problems population face with suddenly becoming famous.

There are a lot of different cases about those general population gaining instant overnight fame, which most are just not capable of coping with. Living the hidden life that they were used to just is not an option anymore as the newspapers and media are all the time there to article their everyday moveMents. Of course that does not consist of the tons of fans trying to effect the celebrity everywhere.

Of course there are those population out there that claim that they will never face the troubles of drug addiction as though they are immune from these troubles. They often say that because they have so much money they will never get addicted, its only a try out thing anyway. Being a celebrity is more stressful than any other type of vocation and more often than not a someone will resort to drugs because of the stress that is caused.

Of course any drug addiction either that involves celebrities or not is still drug addiction. Its the same level of seriousness and is as difficult in both ways. This is why so many celebrities sign up to rehab to try and get over their problems. The most predominant rehab centres that house a lot of celebrities are trying to overcome their problems of drug addiction consist of Promises and the Betty ford clinic.

Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

curative Devices That Are Used To Help With Addiction

It is without a doubt that addiction is one of the most damaging aspects of our society. It can not only devastate the life of the personel going straight through the addiction but also their house as well. With up-to-date media coverage of Charlie Sheen and his battle with addiction to even those who have overcome it like Robert Downey, Jr., addiction is now front and town as a very serious matter facing our nation. There does exists ways of helping those with this question and it in general comes in the form of counseling and therapy. Mostly involved in this therapy is also the use of special healing devices that are made to monitor the condition of patients going straight through the program. One such healing expedient is a pulse oxiMeter which is used primarily by individuals and clinics as a means of accurately measuring the pulse rate and oxygen levels of patients.

The fancy why a pulse oxiMeter has come to be such an leading tool in helping with addiction is because it is the best way of monitoring the vital signs of individuals while they are going straight through such a traumatic convert in their body. When you come off specific drugs that you have abused for years your body and in singular your heart may react very violently. As a result, it is a very good idea to use a pulse oximeter to monitor your pulse rate to ensure that you are operating at general levels. Should you not be operating at the general levels then what happens is that the expedient will begin to sound an alarm and those that are there to help you are able to quickly rejoinder to your problem.

Charlie Sheen

The greatest aspect of the expedient is the fact that it can be taken everywhere the patient is going as it is fully conveyable and thus provides conveyable vital sign monitoring. It is also very enchanting to see where the future of these devices will go. There have been talks that in fact there will be incorporated into them the technology known as Bluetooth. This will hook up the product via a wireless channel directly to the physicians office where they can monitor the patient wherever the patient goes. This again will allow for the ability to have the patient monitored everywhere but it also adds to the thorough condition care process because it is far more sufficient than tradition methods.

curative Devices That Are Used To Help With Addiction
curative Devices That Are Used To Help With Addiction

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