Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Celebrity Behavior Not Tolerated in Corporate America


Managers colse to the world have been cringing as they Watch the overexposed Charlie Sheen publicly rant and berate his bosses of Two and a Half Men. This kind of behavior is a horror for anything in manageMent. Charlie's rants have been documented on YouTube, Entertainment Tonight, and his image has been plastered all over the Internet. He is an exquisite example of an employee exhibiting unprofessional behavior. In a general situation this behavior would not be tolerated in the business world. Practically any employee would have been fired long before Mr. Sheen was ultimately given the boot by Cbs. Although, Hollywood has always tolerated uncontrollable behavior by celebrities, even they seem to have wearied of this one time pretty boy's vitriol antics.

The televised interviews are infuriating to Watch as a manager, but also hard to ignore. Sort of like watching a train wreck, you know it's going to be a disaster, but you just can't look away. The situation prompts the request how much unprofessionalism is too much? At what time should an employee be fired for their unprofessional behavior? It's no private that Hollywood studios control differently in many ways from corporate America. Outrageous behavior is praised instead of disciplined. However, there are times when business managers also perceive outlandish behavior from their staff. For example, managers have watched their employees fight, scream, throw objects, watch porn on corporate Computers, and curse customers. Much of this behavior has also been reported in the news.

Charlie Sheen

How to deal with an unprofessional employee

Celebrity Behavior Not Tolerated in Corporate America
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If the employee exhibits good work, first offer counseling to the employee. By comparison that inevitable behavior will not be tolerated. Be calm and keep your tone of voice neutral as you speak in-person with the employee. This is not the type of conversation that should take place over the phone. Professionalism on your part, means having these sensitive conversations in-person and in-private only. Discuss the exact behaviors the employee has demonstrated in your workplace which are out of compliancy with business policy. Have them sign your code of conduct. This would be accompanied with your explanation of the amount of warnings, and counseling, they will receive before termination. If you are placing the employee on probation, have it in writing showing the date the probation will end if the employee's behavior improves.

Never rehire an unprofessional employee

Once you have a fired an unprofessional employee, don't rehire the offending employee later. Regardless, of whether or not the employee seems to be rehabilitated. Unfortunately, there aren't many happy endings to rehiring a previously poor employee. More importantly, it sends a bad message to your other employees that have witnessed the unprofessionalism of the employee and their firing. Rehiring will only send the message to your good employees that this behavior is proper and tolerated. Instead, you want to hold your staff to a high proper within your office and with your customers. Let your employees know that you expect pro escort at all times.

Managers must be a pro example

High standards start at the top. Your employees are watching the top level executives and managers as their compass for what is proper behavior. If your top level managers are gossiping, talking about sports all day, harassing employees, and exhibiting anger issues, your employees will effect the trend. If this is the situation in your office, you need to deal with your upper managers first before tackling the attitudes of your lower level staff.

Celebrity Behavior Not Tolerated in Corporate America

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Charlie Sheen - Numerology of a Wreck?


[This narrative is neither intended to extol nor defame Charlie Sheen. It is offered simply as a means of relating the numbers in his King's Numerology chart with the events and circumstances of his life and destiny to added the comprehension of numerology as a science.]

As the world Watches the outrageous antics and endless media reports of Charlie Sheen, one has to ask if he is simply a reckless rebel and other Hollywood actor with "issues," or even if he is on a collision procedure to being a fatally ruinous wreck? This narrative makes no judgMents. It simply serves as a car to comprehension Charlie Sheen's behavior and life style as reflected in the numbers and numerical patterns of his numerology chart. Note, too, that this narrative is not a full treatise but rather a brief explanation of the prominent numerological aspects of Sheen's life, life style, persona, behavior and destiny.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen was born Carlos Irwin Estevez on 3 September 1965 (Wikipedia). It is the full birth name and birth date on which the destiny is set. It is this destiny that is driving Sheen. We are all driven by our destiny. As Twentieth Century Saint Charan Singh states, All Men come into this world with a destiny of their own which goes on pushing them relentlessly on the procedure already marked out for them.
Master Numbers

Charlie Sheen - Numerology of a Wreck?

A master number is a many whole set of the same cipher. For example, the binary numbers 11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99 are specialist numbers, as are triad sets such as 111, 222, 333, and quaternary sets as 4444, 5555, 6666 and so forth. The two digit binary specialist numbers are the most base range in a numerology chart.

Master numbers are like nuclear energy coins, exhibiting eleven times the power of their root number. For example, 11 is eleven times one; 22 is eleven times two; 33 is eleven times three and so forth. If a singular whole were represented by a furnace burning within an individual, then a specialist whole is like having eleven furnaces burning within a person.

As we can see from this furnace example, specialist numbers are very powerful, exhibiting soldiery of creative life on one side of their nuclear coin and destructive death on the other side of the coin. In a case like that of Charlie Sheen, the first procedure of diagnosis is to conclude the quantity and type of specialist numbers in the chart. Almost exclusively their presence is clearly descriptive and Sheen's chart is no exception. It is especially filled with the specialist whole energy of artistic ability, creativity, self-expression, pleasure, sex, drugs, addiction, vanity and narcissism.

The Thirty-Three (33) specialist Number

The first specialist whole to think in Charlie Sheen's chart is 33 (thirty-three) whose addcap is a 6, the addition of the two 3s (33 is 3 + 3 = 6). Arguably, no specialist whole has destroyed more lives than the 33-6. It is far more potent than a tempest in a teapot. It is a nuclear reactor of vast power, communication, self-expression, joy, pleasure, health, beauty, children, happiness, personal love and good fortune which can, if precisely managed, lift one to great creative and joyful heights, but if left unchecked, will destroy an personel Faster than any other specialist energy straight through sex, lust, vanity, narcissism, addiction, and out-of-control Partying.

To have a 33 in a numerology chart is noteworthy. However, Charlie Sheen has the 33 specialist whole dominant in four customary locations in his King's Numerology chart -- his Lifepath, his Performance/Experience (Pe for short), his Crown Pinnacle Pe and his Core Challenge Pe! These four placeMents generate a quadstack of 33 energy! Dangerous, to say the least.

The Lifepath is, literally, the path or script of one's life. Therefore, Sheen was born into a life journey in which there would be weighty lessons of artistic expression, communication, joy, pleasure, sex, and possible addiction. His Pe is the role of his life. Therefore, not only is he walking down a 33 road (his 33 Lifepath), the carrying out he will give in life while walking down that road is also a 33. To intensify matters, his Crown Pinnacle Pe, the most elevated component of a numerology chart, is also a 33 specialist number. To added exacerbate the issue, his Core Challenge Pe, the main burden of his 33 Lifepath, is a 33 as well! This quadstack of 33 energy is, arguably, the customary cause of Sheen's issues. In effect, he and his life are consumed, to put it mildly, with the energy of pleasure, joy, sex, art, beauty, transportation and addiction.

The Fifty-Five (55) specialist Number

The specialist whole fifty-five is written ordinarily as 55-1 where the 1 is the stock of adding the two 5s and reducing to a singular digit ( 5 + 5 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1). This 55-1 energy is a mighty whole of personal exploration and creativity. Habitancy with this whole are often very unique, distinct, and very individualized. They are mavericks, leaders and true originals. They are not followers and do not like to be controlled or told what to do. They do not run with the pack. They are the leaders of their own pack. The whole 5 is the energy of freedom, detachment, movement, exploration, experience, diversity, speed, and the five senses. The whole 1 is the pure cipher of the self, independence, identity, will power, compel and originality. More than any other whole in his chart, it is this 55-1 specialist whole that has contributed the most to development Sheen a reckless rebel, this in composition with his 7 void which is discussed later.

The location of the 55-1 energy in Charlie Sheen's chart is in his Material Soul, a component governing his worldly needs, wants, desires and motivations. Therefore, it is this energy that drives Sheen to think himself as a trend-setter, leader and customary person, which he has clearly and publicly expressed in his televised relentless exhortations of his own prowess, brain and ability.

The 5 & 6 Combination

Together, the 33-6 and the 55-1 are a potent sexual cocktail. No two singular numbers in composition are more sexual than the 5 and 6. Tiger Woods' chart and life corroborate this potentially career-ending combination. Besides having a 55-1 in his Material Soul, Sheen's Nature component of his numerology chart is a 5 which rules his personality. This 5 makes him mercurial, explosive, diverse, freedom-loving, detached, and sensually driven. He loves to experience, study and do distinct things. He does not want to be tied down, restricted or ordered about (remember the 55-1 driving his needs, wants and desires). Sheen wants to be his own man, the relentless rebel on his own course. By his own testimony he is also very proud of his sexual exploits, which brings to bear a quote from 15th/16th Century Saint Kabir who states: Sex indulgence is the bottom of human activities. That men should be at all proud of it surpasses understanding.
The Twenty-Two (22) specialist Number

The 22-4 specialist whole rules power and material wealth. This whole is in Sheen's Soul and identifies his most primal needs, wants and desires. Basically, Sheen wants security, particularly material wealth and he is precisely willing to work for it. He's not lazy. This 22 specialist whole is also located in Sheen's 4th House of work. This creates a duplicate stack of mighty work energy on one side, but also a hugely recalcitrant, stubborn and rooted someone on the other.
The Eleven (11) specialist Number

The 11-2 specialist whole rules achievement and aspiration. The most base of all specialist numbers, the 11 is a high intensity energy of relationship, competition, and others. It can be very intense. In its clear side, it reflects equilibrium and peace. In its negative aspect, it rules imbalance and conflict. The two Ones occupying the 11's structure recount the self (1) in its own interests (1). It can also recount one someone clashing with other person, one ideology versus other ideology. Although passive on its surface, as represented by the 2, it is comprised of the pure fire of the self and ego, the two Ones of the 11. This 11-2 specialist whole is in Charlie Sheen's Material Nature and therefore bears directly on his personality, thus creating a fiery, explosive and often conflicted personel who can also generate conflicts with others.

The specialist numbers in Sheen's chart have contributed mightily to his predicament, especially the 33-6 and the 55-1. Together they are the main numeric players in his life, and they are neither small nor minor players. They are major league, and their mighty manifestation is nothing but clear in Charlie Sheen's life.

The 7 Void

Voids are missing numbers in the full natal name. For example, if a someone has no Cs, Ls, or Us in the full birth name, he has a 3 void because the letters C-L-U have a three value in numerology. If a someone is missing Gs, Ps, or Ys in his full birth name, he has a 7 void. Voids can generate problems because they reference a missing energy and its attending attributes and characteristics. In numerology, the whole 7 rules saints and sinners (two sides of the same coin), thought, study, wisdom and foolishness, introspection, reflection, analysis, examination, spirituality, and all things internal. When 7 is void in a chart, it usually represents a someone who is devoid of good judgment, who lacks depth of plan and a salutary dose of personal introspection and wisdom.

This 7 void is negatively impacting Charlie Sheen in two places in his chart. The first is that he is transiting his middle name of "Irwin" which became active at age 24 and will remain active straight through age 60, a duration of thirty-seven years. The name "Irwin" is a 1 energy which rules the self, personel and ego. When this 1 Filters straight through Sheen's 6 Lifepath with its 33 specialist whole root, the outcome is a 7 (1 + 6 = 7). Because the 7 is void in his chart, this composition would be written as 1/7v. This signifies a someone (1) who is challenged by a lack of wisdom, deep insight, personal reflection (7). The supervene is usually chaos within the person. It is not a comfortable numerical set. It portends trouble within the individual, which is openly apparent in Sheen's life, and although the world sees it, he does not. The phrase "troubled self" is an suitable phrase for anything with a 1/7v combination.

The second place the 7 void has impact for Sheen is in his Life Cycle Pattern. Without getting too technical, this means that every nine seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years of his life's journey, Sheen is beset with a 7v/7v pattern. Again we see the lack of comprehension and wisdom being compounded and creating more problems than the 1/7v pattern in his name timeline of "Irwin."

Had Sheen not had a 7 void in his chart, his issues would not be so intense or troublesome. Yet, such is his destiny, and he will be challenged deeply to overcome this deficit. This is where the "wreck" inquire mark in the title comes into play. If Sheen chooses to continue down this road, as he seems to be waging a battle to do so straight through his reckless rebel persona, then he will continue to remain embattled, if not defeated. Because of this 7v/7v whole set, especially with the compounding of his 1/7v name timeline duration of "Irwin" until age sixty-one, he will continue to be tested. Currently, he's only 45 years old at the time of this writing in March of 2011. He has Almost sixteen years to go before he reaches his name timeline of "Estevez" where there will be some relief. The operative question, however, is either his lifestyle and personality make up will allow him to get that far.

Sheen constantly declares, "Defeat is not an option." This is a fAir statement, but defeat of what? No one is stronger than the powers of one's destiny. No one. As Winston Churchill declares, Destiny commands. We must obey. Unquestionably, the powers of destiny rule, and God constructs our destiny. If Sheen is enthralling destiny, he will be defeated, regardless of any bold and cavalier statements to the contrary. However, if he means his quality to be defeated by his drug issues is not an option, then his statement is commendable and praiseworthy, and we all wish him unbridled success and triumph.


(Copyright 1999 by Richard Andrew King)

If you fly in the face of God,
you'll weep on your knees in hell;
no one defies His Laws
and smiles to tell.

Every seed receives its deed
growing to fruition.
To muse in schools where insolence rules
extracts greatest tuition.

No one sits upon His Throne
or countermands His Law.
If you think of flying in the face of God,
prepare yourself to fall

for fall you will. No one escapes.
If His Laws certify not your keeping,
then you, for flying in the face of God,
will redeem your insolence... Weeping!

(C) Richard Andrew King

Charlie Sheen - Numerology of a Wreck?

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Friday, March 11, 2011

finding Awesome Bowling Shirts Cheap!


Bowling shirts are no longer the exclusive Clothing for bowling. They are increasingly becoming more and more beloved even with those who never bowled. The retro look coming from the 1950s has come to be the in thing in recent years. Is not it wonderful that retro styles never seem to fade, and more startling that it is a hit not only among the baby boomers, but the Y-Generation as well. You will find celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Tom Arnold, and beloved Tv actors in Man Show, and Best Damned Sports Show wearing them.

Bowling has been a great pastime in America while the early and mid 20th century. The bowling lanes used to be spread over a huge area, faultless with parking, Food court, bars, and places for children to play. Tenpin is an startling sport that started over 5000 years ago in aged Egypt.

Charlie Sheen

This is one sport where all the members of the house can participate and enjoy. It has come to be one of the most beloved recreational operation not only among friends but among families as well. Today, we see house bowling leagues joining the tournaMent adding fun at the alleys. This is a great way to affirm the house bond. Kids love it, and it helps keep house connection stronger.

finding Awesome Bowling Shirts Cheap!

Great seeing and practice bowling shirts are a big hit. These costumes add color and fun to the game. A practice bowling apparel will make your bowling team look more professional. Moreover, they can boost your spirits up. It is important to feel good and comfortable when you play. And that is why bowling shirts have come along - to make your bowling even more smooth and easy.

Even for a casual bowler, or just an onlooker, bowling shirts have come to be the cool costumes. In fact, in recent years, they had come to be a fashion stateMent. As in the 1950s, when people wore their beloved bowling costumes out in the streets, so it is now among the new generation, not to Mention those who belong to the X-Generation.

Technologies and skills have industrialized so much that production costs are brought to the minimum. This has enabled clubs to offer cool bowling shirts cheap. There are varied designs and colors to select from. The wonderful part is that bowling shirts are "in" not only among Hollywood stars, but also in real life people love to wear unique apparels. Moreover, these shirts are ordinarily made of cotton, making it very comfortable especially while summer.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chinese Astrology Simplified - The Snake

How to

Attractive and charming. The Snake epitomizes the art of seduction.

Pre-wired with wisdom galore. The Snake always relies on its natural intuition.

Charlie Sheen

Philosophical mind. These deep thinkers have a way of just knowing.

How ot Chinese Astrology Simplified - The Snake

Very spirited and well-spoken. Snakes can talk you in or out of practically anything.

In relationships, the Snake can sometimes become very jealous and possessive.

This sign detests being the butt end of jokes. This could be because of their insecurity at times.

The wisdom of the Snake is what separates this sign from its brothers and sisters in the Chinese Zodiac. They "feel" their way straight through life considered avoiding perilous situations. DisagreeMent is the last thing on their minds. They would rather much bask within their minds or feed themselves with Food for thought.

Snakes are as calm as they come. They rarely find reasoning to let their emotions get the best of them. Retreating and devising a task or plan suits this sign the best. The Snake is the scholar of plotting.

This sign is very hidden and secretive. They just do not like letting others know too much. They will throw you off if you reckon anyone that they do not want you to know. Diversion is their language.

Quietly unassuming allows the Snake to be very manipulative. This breed, in a lower thought plane, can cause chaos in any situation. Armed with their patience, they can carry out a task for a long time.

Snakes make good friends to the ones they truly adore. Giving their time comes easier than lending money though. They can be a dinky stingy. But they will work side by side with their loved ones that need help.

Famous & Infamous Snakes
Muhammad Ali, Oprah Winfrey, Floyd Mayweather, Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, Howard Stern, Bill Parcells, Dr. Dre, Hulk Hogan, Tom Brady, Krs-One, Chris Brown, Cris Carter, Brooke Shields, Fiona Apple, Grace Kelly, Jfk, Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Lincoln, Aristotle Onassis, Kim Basinger, Johannes Brahms, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Dylan, Jesse Jackson, Yasser Arafat, Tim Allen, Charlie Sheen, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Stacey Dash

How to Chinese Astrology Simplified - The Snake

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