Cadence (1991)
Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

Cadence (1991) Charlie Sheen (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor) | Rated: PG-13 | Format: DVD

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


I'm going to make a few predictions for the remainder of 2011 and 2012.

Charlie Sheen and the producers of Two And A Half Men, unable to ignore the riches of an additional one season, will ultimately reconcile. The most recent Pirates of the Caribbean movie will bomb. The Mets will not make the playoffs. President Obama will win the Democratic primaries. I will pay more in health insurance, not less. Check back and see if I'm right on these. I'm pretty confident.

But not as obvious as I am about a few trends that will work on my company, and other small and medium sized businesses. In the next two years, I predict that at least three killer apps will emerge that will have a critical impact on us all. Are you ready for them?

Killer App #1: movable payments

I recently discovered a great way to save money. I don't carry cash. This way none of my immature kids can dig into my wallet when I'm not colse to and walk away with ten dollar bills to fund their pizza fix. Instead all they find are useless prestige cards. Well, in a merge of years they won't even be able to find those. That's because I'll be doing it all on my phone. As will most of my customers.

First some facts. Data Week says that 38% of small and medium sized businesses already depend on movable apps. American Express is working on a new e-wallet application. Microsoft, Apple and Google are implementing near field communications (Nfc) technology for movable payments in their next generation of products. As we speak, Google is testing an Android cost system in New York and San Francisco. PayPal is teaming with innovative clubs like Blingnation to bring movable payments to its customers.

Mobile payments are the next killer app. How will it all work? It's not that complex. Your customer's prestige Data will be embedded in a procure application on their phone. You will have a wireless final related to your cash register, or stand alone, that will quote with their phone using Nfc technology, or something similar, to transmit data. Using the touch screen or camera on the movable device, the technology may merge fingerprint, eye scan or some other type of protection if necessary. Your customer waves her phone over the terminal. The transaction is recorded. A receipt gets mailed all around. The transaction hits your bank catalogue and accounting software with no more human interaction.

Is your company ready for this? You nothing else but should be. Because soon, a customer's going to walk in your door and ask to pay for a product using her smartphone. At first when you tell her that you don't accept payments that way she'll understand. But after a while, when more and more of your competitors and other businesses are taking smart phone payments she's going to stop being so inpatient with you and take her company elsewhere.

Will this cost us more? What do you think? Of policy it will! We'll have to pay hundreds for new smartphone scanners and sign up for services and dispell further fees and charges. You know this is going to happen. You know that the citizen who are nothing else but going to get rich off this are the clubs I mentioned above. But it won't stop us. Because we're going to need to supply this potential to our customers in order to stay competitive. It may even drive more company our way. And save a slight time in processing too. We'll see.

Killer App #2: Lockers

Last week Amazon announced that it would be providing up to 20Gb of storage to its customers for whatever they want - music, videos, ebooks, etc. They call it a "cloud locker." One thing's for sure - this locker will smell a lot best than my gym locker. And say what you want about Amazon, but these guys not only spot trends well in advance, they also start trends of their own. I never concept citizen would go for ebooks when they were first introduced. Now I see that Amazon's sold colse to eight million Kindles in 2010. Shows how much I know.

But I do know this: storage space is cheap. And finding new customers is expensive. So we're all the time finding for ways to keep our customers close to us. And what best way to keep them close than to give them "lockers" to store their stuff? It makes it easier for them to keep coming back to us to buy new products. That Jeff Bezos is a smart dude. And the fact that he's bald makes me like him that much more.

Call it whatever you want to call it, but I believe that many smart company citizen will begin offering some type of "lockers" to their customers in the coming years. Not just for music or ebooks. But to store quotes, estimates, invoices, orders, documentation, images, etc. For example, when I sell a new software application to a client, I would create for them a personalized "locker" where they can go to download their most recent updates, manuals, training guides and all of our paperwork. It keeps them tied into my company. And it's an further value-add: clients won't have to worry about storing all of this stuff and can nothing else but passage it from our site. And if I want to offer some further products as incentives I can do that too. Each client would have their own space on our servers (or some server that I rent somewhere) with their own access.

Killer App # 3: Apps

Another killer app? Apps.

Ask Jonathan Rochelle, a Group product employer for Google. "Business software is going through a platform shift to the Web." he said in a up-to-date interview. "As that happens, all prior software can be re-questioned. So there are opportunities for the guy who writes the application that helps a dentist's office, the guy who writes the application that lets you run your hardware store, or helps a journalist be more effective. The biggest occasion is in delivering the best software in those niche classes on this new Web platform. Web-based software is much less costly for buyers than primary software and programmers can be so much more innovative, that it's worthwhile for an entrepreneur to say, Ok, let's start from scratch."

I don't agree with all things he says. I don't think most small company owners would trust some guy to write an app that runs their entire business. It's probably because I sell company software and that concept scares the you-know-what out of me! But I do think that Rochelle hits on the next killer app that will work on many of us. And that killer app is...apps.

Take a look colse to and we see most big businesses creating their own slight apps for their customers. Airlines have apps for us to look up flights, check times and now even use our phones as boarding passes. Restaurants have apps for ordering and checking menu items. Whole Foods, Espn and Fedex have apps. And didn't I just see a market where a father in London uses an app to turn on the ignition of his Buick so his immature daughter can take it out for a joyride with her friends? She's taking out a Buick for a joy ride? What a loser!

Over the next merge of years, many smart company owners will also be creating their own apps for their own businesses. These apps will enable a customer to check pricing for the products they buy. Or look up the status of an order. Or open up a issue ticket. Or ask a quote. Or pay their open invoice (except for my customers, who do all things in their power Not to pay their invoices).

Like Rochelle says, this stuff is much less high-priced than it ever used to be. The tools are already available and there are a growing whole of developers available to write apps. Of policy there will be challenges: holding the applications up to date, production sure they can run on complicated devices, supporting users when there's an obvious problem. But today a typical developer can write a movable app for a few thousand bucks and a merge of cans of Red Bull. And, if deployed right, an app can enable a customer to get things done faster and more profitably with your company. Which means they'll want to continue to do company with you going forward.

So yes, I predict Charlie will be back on Two And A Half Man. And I predict that these three killer apps will impact the way we all do company in the next few years. And if my predictions come true, we'll all be winning.

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012
The Three Killer Small Biz Apps coming in 2012

Charlie Sheen

Lizard Lick Towing

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings

The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings

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An engagement ring is often one of the most high-priced and foremost pieces of jewellery a integrate will ever purchase, they are also a sticker of unity and love between two people. So it comes as no surprise that some extravagant celebrities go to great lengths and expense to buy the most lavish and high-priced engagement rings in the world. These are not your average costume jewellery rings they are some of the most high-priced rings ever sold.

Many people think that diamonds are used for engagement rings because they are the most high-priced stones. This is de facto not the case Blue Sapphires, Rubies and Alexandrite are rarer and can be more high-priced than diamonds. The old Greeks believed that diamonds were a sticker of inner fire and a reflection of the burning flame of everlasting love, they also called them 'tear drops of the gods'. It is also view the old Greeks started the tradition of wearing an engagement ring on the third finger of the left hand as according to them there is a vein that extends down from the heart to this finger. The solitaire was probably also chosen as the stone of choice because it is the hardest mineral known to man, which helps to symbolise loves unbreakable bond.

Yellow diamonds are very rare and expensive. One of the most high-priced wedding rings ever sold was by an american Kentucky based jeweller which was 11-carats and cost 1.25 million dollars. The ring was so high-priced it had to be delivered by armoured truck. Charlie Sheen is one such star who likes yellow diamonds he bought a 5-carat solitaire ring for his ex-wife Brooke Mueller in 2007 for 500,000 dollars.

It is not just the size of the solitaire that determines its value but also its clarity and the way it is cut. The Royal Asscher solitaire business is one of the most predominant and respected solitaire cutting specialists in the world and is predominant for its patented emblematic cut, which has been refined using modern technology to integrate a new cut called the Royal Asscher Cut. predominant stars that have bought Asscher solitaire rings contain Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon, who bought an Asscher cut ring for 520,000 dollars back in 1998. Queen Elizabeth Ii also owns an Asscher cut ring.

Engagement rings are very meaningful pieces of jewellery and this is depicted by how they look and the way they are designed. David Beckham bought his wife Victoria a solitaire ring called the 'Secret Kiss of The Rose' it was called this because it holds a 0.9-carat pink solitaire in its centre, which is supposed to report a heart this is surrounded by 4.5-carats of white diamonds and cost 5,000.

However for some celebrities the main concern is how big the rock de facto is and in 2005 Paris Hilton caught the concentration of the media. Her 24-carat 4.7 million dollar white solitaire engagement ring was one of the most high-priced rings ever sold. The ring was so high-priced she probably needed bodyguards just wear it in public. Due to the cost of the ring her fiancé Latsis reportedly bought her a more conservative wedding band for everyday use.

The most high-priced celebrity engagement ring ever sold was for Beyonce Knowles by rapper Jay-Z. It is an 18-carat white solitaire ring which is said to be worth 5 million dollars and was designed by jeweller to the stars Lorraine Schwartz.

Most of these engagement rings are practically unbelievably big and extravagant and probably look like costume jewellery rings when worn. A perfect way of buying an engagement ring is to take your partner with you and pick one which suitably represents your love for one another.

The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings

The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings
The Most costly Celebrity Engagement Rings

Charlie Sheen

Lizard Lick Towing Portnoys Complaint Book

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Basics of House Painting

The Basics of House Painting

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Your house is your lifetime asset. And it's a matter of time when you take a observation that your house needs renewal - not because it's getting old, but because you feel the need of vibrant colors in your house.

Repainting your house is a tricky business. Some rely on painting associates to do the job for you. Hiring the house painting aid may also cost you. But if you are planning to paint it yourself, you might want to think the basics; and think the time and effort you will put on painting your house.


There are many types of paint ready today, some giving different surface finishes, others are designed for a particular application. Selecting the strict paint type may appear to be confusing at first, but once you have projected which theme you would like to paint your house and sorted out which job and what finishes you want, the selection is rather easy.

There are two bases of paint for your house: solvent-based (oil or alkyd) and water-based (latex). Oil-based paints dry slow - usually taking up to 24 hours. The best clean up for an oil-based paint is turpentine or paint thinner. Latex paints' benefit is that it dries relatively fast, but it is not desirable in hot weather or direct sunshine. The best clean up for latex paints requires just soap and water. So if you are painting the inside of your house, it is recommended to use water-based paints, while solvent-based paints are recommend for painting the surface of your house.

There are different types of paints that is whether water-based or solvent-based that produces different finishes that is measured by its sheen factor. "Sheen" is a term used to characterize the degree of light reflection the paint has. Lesser sheen for an interior or surface paint means it has lesser stain resistance.

· A Gloss paint is easy to clean and resists scuffs better. This is ideal for rooms that are permanently used. Most gloss paints are best recommended to use on woodworks, baseboards, kitchen and bathroom walls, doorjambs, and window casings. The downside of using gloss paints, however, is the noticeable imperfections in the wall surface.

· A High-gloss paint is extremely reflective and works well for highlighting details, such as trim and ornamental molding. They are also the best selection for doors and cabinet - or any area that sees a high volume of abuse.

· Semi-gloss paints are very similar to gloss plaints except it has lesser sheen. Semi-gloss is also suitable for rooms with high humidity (best used for children's room) and can be used for trim works and casings. These paints ensure maximum durability.

· Eggshell paints contribute a flat and low-sheen finish. Paints that are flat and low-sheen that is ideal for your living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and dens. It is washable and ideal for bedrooms, hallways, home offices and house rooms.

· Satin paints offer a good composition of easy-clean and moderate sheen. These paints go a step above eggshell in scrubbing ability. They achieve and look great in just about any room.

· Flat paints (matte paints) are non-reflective and always a good selection for large walls and ceilings. Flat paints hides imperfections on wall surfaces and spatters well during application. Flat paints are the best selection for vinyl and aluminum siding that is scratched or dented because it hides imperfections and spatters less when applied. These paints are ideal for low-traffic areas such as formal dining rooms and specialist bedrooms.

Special paints have been innovated from different buyer insights and fantastic paint technology that allows specific paints for specific needs.

· Ceiling flats are designed specially for ceilings. These are usually extra spatter-resistant.

· Primer paints may be oil- or water-based and are used to seal unpainted surfaces to preclude surface coats of paint soaking in. The thorough type of primer should be used for the surface being painted - wood, metal, plaster or tiles. There are some 'all purpose primers' ready which are designed for two or more of these surfaces.

· Anti-condensation paints are used for rooms with humid conditions such as kitchen and bathrooms. This paint is usually formulated to preclude condensation and often includes fungicide.

· Fire-retardant paints do not resist fires thoroughly but its fire-resistance formulation prevents it from fire in spreading fast.

It is also prominent that before painting your room, you use a primer. A primer will help paint bond to the surface by providing a uniform appearance. It is a must to use a primer if you are painting over new wood, bare wood, drywall, or repainting over existing inviting or dark colors.

But before doing this, you have to know the health of the surface you wanted to paint. Regardless of whether the base coat is oil or latex, you must dull glossy paint by sanding or de-glossing it with a chemical de-glossing product. If you don't dull glossy paint, the second coat will streak and not stick to the base coat when drying.

Interior Painting

If you want to alter your room's ambience, painting it is a great option. When interior painting, use paints that are quicker to dry and does not have a strong odor that lingers nearby where your kids can smell it.

Painting the interior of your house requires a thorough estimation, visualization and preparation. When you have chosen your theme for your rooms and have bought the job materials you need (paints, paint brushes and rollers, extension handles, paint tray, paint stirrer, drop clothes, step ladder, painter's tape, etc.), you naturally corollary these interior house painting tips:

Before And during House Painting

· Always contribute adequate ventilation when painting inside your house. If you cannot get adequate ventilation in the work area, use a respirator or a mask.

· Keep paint containers or solvent containers fulfilled, when not in use.

· Keep paint products out of the reach of children.

· Avoid direct sense with skin.

· Always read containers (label) instructions.

Surface making ready Tips

· Remove as much as furniture as potential from the room or group the heavier fixtures and the delicate ones together and cover them with a drop cloth.

· Provide adequate lightning to allow a good view of painting imperfections.

· Remove switch plates.

· Patch holes and cracks in the surfaces you wanted to paint with premixed spackling paste. After the paste dries, sand the patched the areas.

· Dust and wash the ceilings, walls, baseboards, windows and door moldings.

· Clean, sound wallpaper can be painted over, but in most cases it is better to strip it. Painting over a wallpaper may begin to peel.

Painting Your Ceiling Tips

· If you are painting the entire room, it is best to paint the ceiling first!

· If you are using a paint roller, maneuver your arms in series of diagonal swaths (forming a letter M). Fill in the open areas by cross rolling.

· If you are using a paintbrush, apply the paint in short strokes towards the unpainted area, known as "wet to dry." Then brush back into the area you just painted for a flat surface.

· If you are painting your ceiling, remove light bulbs, chandeliers, fluorescent lights and fixture covers.

· Paint trim first, together with edging nearby the ceiling, molding, and trim.

Wall Painting Tips

· Paint nearby the trim first, together with edging nearby the ceiling.

· When painting with a gloss finish, make the final brush strokes away from the light source of the room. The tiny ridges that a brush leaves won't be as pronounced. Use the same "wet to dry" recipe of painting.


· Check woodwork for damage. If there is one, patch it with a wood filler, dry it overnight and sand it for any rough spots and apply a sealer before painting.

· If you'll be using the same paint on the walls and woodwork, paint the woodwork as you come to it. If it is an additional one color of higher in gloss, wait until the walls are done.

· Paint double-hung windows from the wood in the middle of the panes then outward. On casement windows, us the same technique, but keep the windows slightly open until the paint dries.

· For panel doors, paint the ornamental molded edges first, then the personel panels. Paint from the town out. When the panels are completed, paint the vertical and horizontal flat panels.

· Use a painter's tape or painter's shield to keep paint off windowpanes. Do not use a masking tape or a duct tape. Using a painter's tape or painter's shield allows you to keep areas covered for up to 3 days.

· Paint the top edge baseboards first, then the bottom along the floor. Paint the middle section last.

· Remove cabinet doors and drawers and paint the flat surfaces first. Paint inside the edges, then move to the outer surfaces.

Clean-Up and storage or Disposal Tips

· If there are paint drops on your floor, don't let it stay there. As the paint sets longer, the harder it will be cleared. Use a cloth with soap and water or a solvent for cleaning.

· Use a razor-blade scraper or a putty knife to chip off bigger paint droplets that have dried.

· Use a scraper to trim nearby windowpanes.

· Wash and dry paintbrushes and rollers. Store them agreeing to the brand's hint not all paintbrushes have the same type of bristles nor the rollers have the same material.

· Clean the paint from the rim of the can. Tap holder lids tight with a hammer and block of wood.

· Store solvent-based paint cans upside down to preclude a skin from forming.

· Store your paints in normal or room temperature. Never put the paints in greatest hot or cold rooms.

· Each states in the U.S. Or every community/ county differs on paint can disposal methods. Check your local environmental, health, and safety laws.

Exterior Painting

In buying paints that you are going to use for your surface house, you have to pick a brand that has needful characteristics: hiding power, color retention, chalk-resistance, and blister resistance.

Hiding power comes from the paint's pigment and is affected by the manner and thickness of the application. Color holding is the capability to mouth its primary color during exposure to sunlight, etc. Chalking resistance prevents the white chalky powder from forming on the surface and lightening the color of the paint. Chalking occur over a period of time. Blister resistance keeps inordinate moisture from coming through the substrate and affecting the paint layer. Tip: if paint is applied over a damp or wet surface, blistering is imminent.

Painting the surface of your house requires a thorough estimation, visualization and preparation. When you have chosen your theme for your rooms and have bought the job materials you need.

You will need any of these tools in painting your exterior: caulk, sandpaper, rags and/or paper towels, painter's tape, orchad hose, power washer, or hose brush attachment, sponges & buckets for wash water, spray nozzle, stepladder, extension ladder, paint scraper, wire brush, putty knives, heat gun, rotary paint removing tool and galvanic drill, caulk gun, sanding block, and work gloves.

When you have all the tools at hand, examine your exterior. You might find surface painting problems, which could be any of the following: alligatoring, blistering, chalking, chalk run down, crackling, dirt pickup, efflorescence, fading, frosting, lapping, mildew, nail head rusting, paint incompatibility, peeling, poor alkali resistance, poor adhesion, poor gloss retention, surfacent leaching, staining, vinyl siding wrap, wax bleed, or wrinkling.

If you already know what your house exterior's question is or just for repainting it, naturally corollary some of these tips. You can also refer to Interior Painting for brush or roller strokes, etc.:

· Start by thoroughly cleaning the surface of your home. Start at the top and work your way down the sides of the house. If your siding has areas of mold, mildew or discoloration, wash it with an anti-fungal cleaner.

· Mask off areas that are not to be painted. You may want to place masking tape along the edge of house trim, and nearby window and door frames and trim, since this is likely to be painted in a different color or with a higher sheen paint. You can also tape newspaper or plastic drop cloth material over windows and doors, together with sliding glass doors, to protect them from drips.

· Place plastic drop cloths over plants and shrubs, or where paint may drip on porches, roof sections, sidewalks, driveways or other surfaces.

House painting takes time, house painting costs a big chunk on your budget, but the end-result is always great.

The Basics of House Painting

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

The Basics of House Painting

The Basics of House Painting
The Basics of House Painting

Charlie Sheen

Arabic Song Dance Portnoys Complaint Book

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret

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Today, more than ever, celebrities are running to tattoo parlors in an exertion to express themselves. Body art has come to be an accessory to many such as teacup dogs and costly purses. The whole of celebrities with tattoos is on the rise. In the old days, it was prominently the metal and punk rockers and athletes that were heavily inked.

Nowadays, ink can be found on celebrity bodies from the cat walk, to the small screen, and to the red floor covering and the big screen. However, not all celebrities heed the advice of picking the right tattoo that they won't one day regret. Therefore, as whole of celebrities get tattoos rises, so does the whole of tattoo regret and tattoo removal.

One of the main reasons that people, along with celebrities, goes into see a laser tattoo dismissal devotee is because they have the name of a old lover inked on their body or they may have matching tattoos inspired by an ex. There are fullness of examples of celebrities that have had tattoo regret for just this reason. They have either had their tattoos removed by laser tattoo treatments or lightened to cover their unwanted tattoos.

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. Angelina had Billy Bob's name tattooed on her arm, while Billy Bob had Angelina's name inked on his bicep. They were married for 3 years and then divorced. Angelina decided on laser tattoo dismissal to lighten her tattoo and a cover-up tattoo shortly after their separation and had her children's birthplaces inked in the same location. Billy Bob decided on a cover-up solution also. He had Angelina's name covered with an angel and the word "peace."

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. Denise decided to have Charlie tattooed on her ankle while Charlie had Denise tattooed on his wrist. They were married and later divorced. Denise had her "Charlie" tattoo transformed into a fairy, while Charlie had his "Denise" lasered away.

Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr. Tom tops the list for the most tattoos of an ex. He had a whooping 4 tattoos of Roseanne, his wife at the time, along with a portrait of her on his chest. Roseanne had a "Property of Tom Arnold" tattooed on her hip. Once divorced, Tom had all of his tattoos laser removed. Roseanne opted for a cover-up of her "Tom" tattoo.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. They decided after a short courtship to get married and also get matching tattoos. They both had dice tattooed on their arms, Britney's dice were pink while Kevin's were blue. Once their connection sizzled and they were no longer seen together, both sets of dice disappeared as well with laser tattoo removal.

Nick Carter and Paris Hilton. They were only together for a short 7 months when these two love birds to have each others names inked on their bodies. Nick had "Paris" tattooed on his wrist while "Paris" had Nick tattooed on her bottom. Paris had her tattoo laser removed not long after she had the tattoo done. Nick decided to have his "Paris" covered up with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard."

Some other celebrities that have donned their love by inking their skin contain Pamela Anderson, Kathy Griffin, and Johnny Depp. Pamela Anderson had "Tommy" inked on her ring finger when they were together and later had it changed to read "Mommy" after they split. Kathy Griffin also had a wedding ring inked on her finger when she was married. Later when she was divorced, she decided it was time to have her tattoo laser removed. Johnny Depp who fell madly in love with Winona Ryder had no qoute showing his love for her by having "Winona Forever" tattooed on his chest, only to later have it changed to "Wino Forever" after their love fizzled.

Having a lover's name, face,symbol, or matching tattoos are not the only tattoos celebrities have that they regret. They too have been guilty of getting positive images or sayings that represented who they were at a positive time in their lives. Tommy Lee and Tony Danza both had tattoos done early on in life that no longer represented who they are and therefore looked to laser tattoo removal. Tommy Lee had a swastika inked on his rib cage. He decided to take off the tattoo so it would no longer hinder his image. Tony Danza had "Keep on Truckin" tattooed on his body while his younger days. He decided on laser tattoo dismissal shortly after it was first easily available.

Two rappers whose images are widely known and recognized for their ink, Pharrell Williams and 50 Cent are both undergoing laser tattoo dismissal treatments. They are both looking into other opportunities than being rap stars and they both believe that removing their tattoos with enhance their images. Even with all the musical talent and fame these two stars have, 50 cent's aspirations to act are cut short or he spends up to 4 hours exterior his tattoos with make-up in order to do a movie scene. Pharrell is in the process of designing a clothing line and wants to be taken as a serious entrepreneur.

Whether these celebrities had gotten tattoos when they were young, in love, or for their uncomplicated love of tattoos, they all experienced tattoo regret and did something about it. Tattoos once notion to be permanent can be removed with laser tattoo dismissal treatments or even lightened with laser tattoo dismissal treatments and then covered with a new tattoo.

Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret
Celebrity Tattoo discharge - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Charlie Sheen

Arabic Song Dance Rubbermaid Storage Sheds Water Filters - Part II

Friday, March 29, 2013

Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings

Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings

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When people are trying to form out what kind of a wedding cake that they want at their reception, they sometimes do some investigate on what their popular celebrities have had at their weddings. There are a lot of separate options ready out there for cakes, and even if your popular celebrity's cake costs forty thousand dollars to make, this doesn't mean that an experienced cake maker can't make a cheaper copy of it for you. Some of the most popular wedding cakes out there are pretty justify and expensive, but don't get discouraged by these facts; there are many great caterers out there who will be able to originate a great cake for your big day.

Donald Trump and Melania Knauss had an impressive five foot high, fifty pound, seven tiered orange and white wedding cake that had three thousand white icing roses on it. Obviously, not many people will want to be quite as justify as that with their cake! Donald Trump was probably improbable to go all out with everything in his big day, and he has adequate money to cover any costs. If you like the sound of his cake though, you could probably scale it down to a quarterly size, and still be able to afford it.

Hip hop artists Kalis and Nas had a five tiered wedding cake that was covered in sugar roses and gilded in twenty four karat gold! There aren't too many people out there who would want to spend that kind of money on their cake, or even on their whole wedding for that matter.

Celebs Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis' wedding cake was a popular one. They had a four tier cake that was designed to look like four Tiffany's boxes, all painted robin's egg blue. The store must have appreciated the celebrity endorsement.

The now split up couple, Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen had a multi flavored wedding cake that was quite popular. The cake had three layers: chocolate fudge, banana cream and white satin. This must have been appreciated by their guests, because most people like at least one of those flavors. This kind of cake would probably be the cheapest celebrity cake to replicate, and it would be very popular among your guests.

Leanne Rimes and Dean Sheremat's wedding cake was a five foot, multi tiered, white chocolate and strawberry cake that was decorated with over thirty five dozen roses. This cake was a very popular and much talked about cake, and would again, not be too hard to make, as long as you cut down on the size and the estimate of the roses used!

When Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro got married, they had a four tiered wedding cake that was layered with Oreo cheesecake, chocolate cake, and strawberry shortcake. It was decorated with the same crystals that Carmen had on her wedding dress.

Any of these cakes can be the inspiration for your wedding cake, as long as you don't mind compromising on a few things to make it more affordable. However, if you can afford it, go all out and spend the money to have one if these popular wedding cakes.

Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings

Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings
Most favorite Wedding Cakes For Celebrity Weddings

Charlie Sheen

Arabic Song Dance

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction

Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


Stop binge drinking with a 'magic' pill - how naltrexone cures alcohol addiction

If you have ever suffered from alcohol blackouts; woken up in strange places; vomited in the street; or pissed your pants, then you are in the right place.

I've written this report to forestall others from destroying their work, finances and relationships straight through binge drinking. I'm not selling anything, I make no money from treating binge drinkers and I have no self-help recordings or hypnotherapy course to promote. What follows is my story and how I regained control over my binge drinking.

Out of control

I've never been dependent on alcohol, and could go for weeks without drinking. But I have all the time partied hard. When I drank, I went certainly off the rails. I'm 34 now, and have done a great job hiding my qoute from my colleagues and employers during the past 12 years. A few years ago I was in the Usa on business. I got arrested for being drunk; spent the night in jail and was bailed out. I made it to work at 8:55am... Just in time to deliver the opportunity presentation at our global sales conference. At a more modern event, I was sick all over my boss' shoes in the back of a limousine. Someone else time, I woke up at the train center having pissed my pants. In fact, I have passed out in too many places to mention. Essentially I was a street bum in a suit.

Cry for help

I knew that I had a problem, but because I was not dependent on alcohol, doctors never certainly took me seriously. during my twenties, I went for liver function tests on 7 or 8 separate occasions. I wanted the physician to say, "Andy, you need to stop drinking or you will die." But my immoderate drinking wasn't addressed because the test results all the time came back ok. I was not offered any help, reserve or counselling. I think I was once given a leaflet for the Samaritans.

A wake up call

In early 2011, my binge drinking episodes got worse. I destroyed my car in a drunk driving incident; I woke up in a hotel corridor having pissed my pants; after a party, I was so drunk I couldn't remember walking home with my 3-year old boy; and in March 2011, whilst away at a argument in Paris, I spent ,000 dollars at a strip bar on my company prestige card. To add a degree of levity to this pathetic incident, I have no recollection of the whole night.

Due to 'misuse of company property' and gross-misconduct I was fired. Arrival home I had to tell my wife. She threatened to divorce me. Losing my job and maybe my house was the wakeup call that I needed - and I turned to the internet for help.

Addressing the issue

By chance, I came over and report in the Times titled: Can a Pill Cure alcoholism?

More explore led me to the Sinclair formula Website - and that's when I got very excited.

Here was a small online 'self-help' community of 800 previous alcoholics that had managed to obtain control using naltrexone, a drug originally industrialized for treating heroin abuse. Unlike every other alcohol treatment, this formula does not promote abstinence. Naltrexone, when used as suggested by Dr. Sinclair, has a success rate of over 80%

If you go to Alcoholics Anonymous (Aa), they will tell you, "A person must reject every drink that contains alcohol." But Aa has a success rate of less than 5% - so what's the point in trying something that is most likely to end in a relapse?

The root cause of binge drinking

To justify why naltrexone works so effectively, we have to scrutinize the root cause of binge drinking.

When you drink alcohol, a small gland in your brain releases endorphins. Similar in chemical buildings to heroin, endorphins are an opiate-like aggregate and extremely addictive.

Your brain rewards you with endorphins every time you drink, and this has a distinguished effect on your behaviour. So when you have 2 shots of tequila, your brain tells you: "Those tequilas make you feel amazing; damn the consequences do Someone else two shots now."

The gigantic endorphin rush helps to justify why positive individuals find it very hard to stop after four or five drinks. explore shows that positive types of people (based on genetics) issue more endorphins in response to alcohol consumption - and are therefore more likely to get addicted to alcohol.

How naltrexone stops binge drinking

Naltrexone blocks the alcohol 'euphoria' you get from the issue of endorphins It doesn't certainly forestall them being released, but it prevents them being absorbed. This destroys the repaymen cycle, so when you drink two tequilas, you don't get the rush of endorphins. You get a bit of a buzz, you'll still feel drunk and you'll certainly have a sick next day, but because you are not getting the endorphin rush with each drink; you won't feel that crazy drive to keep drinking to get the 'reward' of more endorphins.

Where can I get Naltrexone?

If you are a binge drinker, your greatest opportunity of success in life might be to see your physician and ask for a naltrexone prescription. You can get it prescribed in the Usa, but in the Uk the drug is not licensed for treating alcohol under the Nhs. This means you'll either have to go hidden (cost £ 200); convince the physician to prescribe some (like I did using the Times article); or buy the tablets from an online pharmacy. I am not suggesting you take performance without seeking the strict healing guidance - I just want to spread the word about the inherent to help you stop binge drinking. The ordinarily standard guidance is to take naltrexone one hour before drinking for the rest of your life.

Why do I have to keep taking naltrexone all my life?

Imagine you've been controlling your drinking with the help of Naltrexone for 2 - 3 years. You think you are in control so you settle to stop taking the tablets. The next time you drink the rush of endorphins will feel so euphoric, that you will fall off the wagon in spectacular style. There are tales of 3-day 'Charlie Sheen' style binges for people who stop taking the medication. So the ordinarily standard guidance is to take Naltrexone 1 hour before you drink for the rest of your life.

Progress so far

The first time I tried naltrexone it was a great success. I was able to control my alcohol 'addiction' and stop after 4 drinks. This is the first time I can remember Arrival home for over 6 years after a big night out. I even put my wife to bed after brushing her teeth as she was so drunk! I'm at the starting of my journey with naltrexone, but am certainly convinced it will turn my life forever.

You can effect my advance on my blog. Best of luck, Andy.

Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction

Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction
Stop Binge Drinking and obtain control With a 'Magic' Pill That Cures Alcohol Addiction

Charlie Sheen

Worst Dressed Oscars 2011

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him

The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him


A lot of men are lazy, even in relationships. Just because they have run 2 kilometres they think they can slowly walk or even worse, take a break. This is far too base and normally nothing changes because the girl gives in to his laziness. Nagging him like a mother would will also not bring the association to a good stage.

Before it becomes official, the man goes all out to chase the girl. Once the girl is moved, he gets satisfied that the girl becomes part of his reality. Then he will do all those general things a man would do for a girl but nothing advances. He feels safe and is not willing to try more. This is their ease zone. Once it is formed it takes efforts to crush it. The man has come to be lazy.

The thing to do is to keep him wanting you. Can you make the chasing of you a lifelong "fight"? Of course, emotions may get in the way but unless something is done, everything stays the same. Why do some men sing of losing their girls and seem to be in deep pain? It is because the girl gives up and the ease zone is removed altogether. Then the memories of the sweet past he never cherish that to haunt him. Well, retention the whole of such men down is doing good for the world.

There are a few things that can be done. Make rules about your relationships early on, even if he frowns at them. This lets him know that you are not a easy catch. One of the most efficient ways is to let him see that you are as desirable to others as to him.

Keep your usual activities and do not let him dominate your life. This way he has more reasons to try harder to get your attention. Do not all the time return calls. This is to make him feel panic. Find his weak spots and use them if you feel the need to, no matter how painful it may seem. Do not agree with everything he says, let him know you have a mind of your own and that you will not believe everything he says to be the absolute truth. Still go out with your friends and even take a break away from him once in a while. Absence make the heart grow fonder.

The key is never let him be too comfortable about the relationship. The best thing to do is never allow the ease zone to form in the first place.

The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him

The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him
The Lazy Men in Relationships & What to Do With Him

Charlie Sheen

Arabic Song Dance Portnoys Complaint Book


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